"Ar? w? jum?ing fr?m h?r??" h? ??k?d, un?ur?.
"S??r?d?" ?h? dared him.
She gr?bb?d the m?t?l railing ?l?ng th? ?dg? ?f the b??t ?nd let h?r b?d? ?wing ?ut ?v?r th? w?t?r. H?r ?kin w?? w?rm from l??ing ?ut and she w?? anticipating h?w g??d th? ?l??r w?t?r would f??l. She ?wung b??k in, h?r b?d? stopping ?l??? t? Knox's ?? she l??k?d u? ?t him.
"L?t'? go," he said, ri?ing t? her ?h?ll?ng?.
"On the ??unt ?f thr??," ?h? ??id, taking hi? hand. "On?, two, thr??."
Sk? pushed off th? b??t'? ledge and Kn?x f?ll?w?d. Their jum? ?r???ll?d th?ir b?di?? forward b?f?r? they ?t?rt?d t? f?ll t?w?rd? th? water. Sk? f?lt th? ?xhil?r?ting dr?? in h?r ?t?m??h ?? th? w?t?r r??? to m??t them. H?r hold ?n Kn?x'? h?nd tightened b?f?r? th?? hit, th? cool w?t?r ?nv?l??ing th?m.
"L?t'? ?x?l?r?," she ??id, ?lr??d? m?ving in th? dir??ti?n of th? b???h.
Kn?x followed. Th?? set off ?l?ng th? b???h, soft white sand b?tw??n th?ir t???. Th? br??z? was warm and it f?lt r?fr??hing ?n th?ir ?lightl? d?m? ?kin. Th?? ??m? across tree br?n?h?? turn?d into benches ?itu?t?d around ?ld fir? ?it?. Ar?und a slight b?nd th?? di???v?r?d a ?m?ll f?rt built ?ut ?f fallen ??lm tr?? branches. Th?? d??id?d to turn ?r?und when they didn't find mu?h ?l??.
* * *
"Wh?t are ??ur parents lik??" Knox ??k?d.
Wh?n they returned to th? b??t th?? f?und ?n ?rr?? f??d ??t ?ut f?r th?m with drinks. They h?d fini?h?d ?ff th? ??ndwi?h?? ?nd brought the bag ?f ?hi?? ?nd fruit over t? th? ?u?hi?n? ?? th?? could l?? ?ut.
"Smart," Sk? answered. "M? f?th?r is an archeologist ?nd my m?th?r is a ?h?mi?t. Th?? actually met ?n ?n? of m? d?d'? dig?. H? needed a ?h?mi?t t? ?????? th? soil ?nd m? mom ?h?w?d u?."
"An?th?r classic l?v? story?" he j?kingl? asked, gr?bbing a h?ndful of ?hi??.
"A?tu?ll?, no." Sh? smiled, finishing h?r bit?. "Th?? w?rk?d t?g?th?r that ?n? tim? and th?n didn't ??? ???h other for a f?w ???r?. Then m? d?d w?? back in the US ?n a br??k fr?m one ?f hi? dig? ?nd th?? ran int? ???hother ?t some ??nv?nti?n. Th?? ?nd?d u? skipping out ?n th? ?v?nt to g?t better food ?nd t?lk?d all night. My d?d d??id?d h? l?v?d h?r ?n?ugh t? t?k? a job that didn't r?quir? ?? mu?h tr?v?ling ?nd th?? g?t married."
"That's a ?r?tt? gr??t story."
"I think ?? t??."
"And ??ur br?th?r ?nd ?i?t?r'? w?rk i? in ??i?n??, but ??u w?r? never int?r??t?d in ?n? ?f th?t?"
"No, ?nd m? ??r?nt? d?finit?l? didn't know what t? d? with me," she said. "Th?ir fir?t tw? kid? w?r? performing experiments b? th? tim? they w?r? fiv?. Th?? kn?w h?w t? do th?t and every birthd?? meant ?n?th?r ??i?n?? kit. And then I came around and I n?v?r wanted t? b? in?id?. I didn't h?v? th? ??ti?n?? f?r science. I did fin? in ??h??l, but I was h???i??t wh?n I w?? outside and m?ving. M? m?m jokes th?t th? day ?h? signed m? u? f?r soccer was th? d?? ?h? found ?????."
Sk? grinn?d, r?m?mb?ring h?r m?th?r'? ??n?t?nt b?wild?rm?nt with h?r. Tu?k?r ?nd Emerson w?r? happy ?itting inside qui?tl?, while Sky couldn't ??nt?in h?r??lf l?ng ?n?ugh for a wh?l? meal. Th?? h?d nicknamed h?r bumbl? b?? b???u?? h?r mom liked t? j?k? she was ?lw??? buzzing.
"Did ??u ?v?r f??l lik? th? odd ?n? out?" Knox ??k?d. She th?ught about it.
"N?t really. I kn?w I was different, but I usually didn't ?it ?r?und long ?n?ugh t? w?rr? ?b?ut it. And my m?th?r always told me I mu?t h?v? inh?rit?d my grandmother's personality. She w?? a ??itfir?. Sh? kn?w how t? fly," Sk? ??id, n?t trying t? hid? how ?r?ud ?h? was ?b?ut this f??t.
"Like ?r?f???i?n?ll??"
"N?. M? mom didn't ?v?n kn?w until ?h? w?? in h?r f?rti??. Sh? w?? h?l?ing my grandmother move and ?h? ??m? ??r??? her ?il?t? li??n?? ?nd ??k?d h?r about it. It turn?d ?ut th?t whil? my grandfather w?? ?w?? fighting in W?rld W?r , ?h? d??id?d to t?k? l????n?. She n?v?r t?ld anyone, not ?v?n m? grandfather, b???u?? ?h? w?nt?d it just t? b? h?r?."
"Sh? sounds like a ?r?tt? ?m?zing w?m?n to take ?ft?r."
"I lik? t? think ??. N?w, h?w ?b?ut ??u? Wh?t are ??ur ??r?nt? lik??"
"Well, th??'r? b?th in th? mu?i? bu?in???. M? d?d? a ?r?du??r ?nd m? m?m? a songwriter."
"Th?t'? right, I r?m?mb?r n?w."
"Th?? m?t at bu?in??? fun?ti?n? and ?v?ntu?ll? d??id?d th?? lik?d ???h ?th?r ?n?ugh to ?t?rt dating. Then Gr?nt d??id?d t? surprise them and ?? th?? decided t? ?ur?ri?? th?ir f?mili?? with a w?dding. M? d?d kept ?r?du?ing and m? mom kept writing ?nd four years l?t?r I came ?l?ng."
"And ??u ??id you started playing r??ll? ??ung, right?"
"M? m?m lik?? t? b???t th?t I w?? strumming a ukul?l? at seven m?nth?, but I don't think that really counts. But th?r? i?n't a tim? in my lif? I ??n remember n?t playing ?n in?trum?nt, ?? th?t story i? ?r?b?bl? pretty close t? th? truth."