"You must have thought I w?? ?u?h a j?rk for tr?ing t? talk to ??u t?d?? when I should h?v? b??n leaving ??u ?l?n?," Knox said, apologetically.
Sh? gave a shy ?mil?. "A littl? bit," ?h? admitted. "But ??u mu?t have th?ught I h?t?d ??u if I asked t? b? r????ign?d."
H? let ?ut a ?m?ll l?ugh. "I w?? a little ??nfu??d."
"And I d?n't bl?m? you," ?h? ??id. "Ju?t to clear u? any confusion, I lik? ??u."
Th?ir ???? met ?nd Sky f?lt her h??rt qui?k?ning. Sh? ??u??d ?? she moved in, ??t?hing a glimpse ?f Kn?x'? ?mil? before he ?l???d th? distance between them.
Th? kiss was more ????i?n?t? than the night before, th? r?li?f they b?th f?lt fu?ling them f?rw?rd. Kn?x wr????d hi? ?rm? ?r?und h?r waist, ?ulling h?r ?l??? whil? her arms tightened around hi? neck. A? th? kiss ?l?w?d, she ?ull?d ?w??, adding a qui?k ki?? b?f?r? ?h? l??n?d back t? g?t a better look.
"Thi? i? better," she said, r??ting her head on his shoulder.
"Much," h? agreed. Th?? w?r? silent as th?? watched th? water, th?ir arms and legs ?nt?ngl?d. "So Bianca ??w us ki??ing? Wh? didn't she say ?n?thing to m? when ?h? ??w m??" h? w?nd?r?d out loud.
"D? ??u really w?nt to try ?nd figur? ?ut h?w h?r br?in w?rk??" Sky ??k?d.
"V?r? tru?," he said. H? ?mil?d at h?r before he ki???d her ?g?in.
"I'm going to ??? ??m?thing t? her," Kn?x ??id, ?bru?tl? breaking ?w?? from Sk?.
"Don't," Sk? said, sitting u? ?tr?ight.
"Wh? n?t? Sh? tri?d t? g?t ??u fired."
"W?r??, ?h? could have th? whole ?rui?? lin? ?hut d?wn," Sky corrected. "Bianca t?ld L?ui? her f?th?r w?? powerful enough to ?ut th? ?rui?? lin? ?ut ?f business, ?nd b?tw??n ??u ?nd me, I think ?h? i? ?r?z? enough t? m?k? it happen."
"Ar? ??u ??ri?u?? Th?t'? ?r?z?," he said.
"That's what I'm ???ing," ?h? j?k?d. "Y?u ??n't ??? ?n?thing. And ??u and me," ?h? gr?w ??ri?u?, "w? ??n't be ???tt?d together. By any of the passengers and m??t ?f th? ?r?w. Bi?n?? ??n't find ?ut. L?ui? ??n't ?ith?r."
"I guess w?'ll have t? b? more ??r?ful when we h?ng ?ut th?n."
"You want to h?ng out ?g?in?" ?h? ??k?d playfully.
"I d?n't kn?w if ??u kn?w this," h? said, "But I lik? you t??."
Sk? th?ught about trying t? hide th? f??t th?t ?h? couldn't ?t?? smiling, as ?h? m?d? h?r w?? t? the dining h?ll, th? next m?rning; but ?h? decided it w??n't w?rth the fight. Sh? w?? h????. Sh? didn't ??r? wh? kn?w as long ?? th?? didn't know th? r????n.
"Morning Julie B??!" ?h? said, bum?ing Jules's hi? b?f?r? she grabbed a ?l?t?.
"Must g?t coffee," Jules ??id r?b?ti??ll?.
Sk? ?t????d ?ut ?f her w??, knowing ?n??n? wh? g?t in th? w?? ?f Jules ?nd her m?rning ??ff?? w?? in d?ng?r?u? territory.
"Wh? ?r? you u? ?? ??rl??" J?hnn? grum?il? ??k?d. "I thought you h?d th? d?? ?ff."
"I d?!" Sky ?n?w?r?d, walking ?w?? b?f?r? ?h? h?d t? give ?n? m?r? d?t?il?.
"Better?" ?h? asked, wh?n Jul?? ??t down n?xt t? her, h?lf of her l?rg? ??ff?? mug ?m?t?.
"Wh?t?" Jules ??k?d, b??k t? h?r n?rm?l ?hi???r self.
"Where w?r? you l??t night?" Jules ??k?d, "Ev?r?b?d? missed Knox."