"Funn?," he ??id flatly, "Wh?t h????n?d today?" H? t??k a seat and ?h? j?in?d him.
Sh? gave him a stony look. "I was working. D?n't ??u understand?"
"Wh? did that ?udd?nl? m??n you h?v? t? ??t lik? ??u d?n't kn?w me? W?rking h??n't got in th? way b?f?r?." His words came ?ut harsher th?n h? h?d intended. "Y?u might h?v? some ideas about how I ??t with girls b???u?? I'm f?m?u? ?r wh?t?v?r .... but when I lik? a girl, I d?n't m??? ?r?und." His w?rd? were ??ming out ???tt?r?d. "And I th?ught you w?r?n't one t? mess ?r?und either," he ?dd?d.
"I'm n?t," she said defensively. "I'm n?t one ?f ??ur f?ngirl? thr?wing h?r??lf ?t you. Y?u already h?v? plenty of th???."
"I wasn't ???ing th?t."
"Th?n wh?t are ??u ???ing?"
"Wh?t?v?r ??ur ?r?bl?m i? with m?, you should h?v? told m?. I think I deserve ?t least that," h? ??id.
"I should h?v? t?ld ??u wh?t?" ?h? ??k?d. "I thought ??u would und?r?t?nd."
"Understand? H?w w?? I ?u????? t? understand? After l??t night, ?ll I'm getting are mix?d signals."
"Wh?t do ??u mean? I th?ught it w?uld b? ?r?tt? ?l??r." Th? annoyance w?? ??ming thr?ugh in Sk?'? voice.
"Clear?" he ??k?d. "H?w ??uld it b? ?l??r when ??u ?r? ki??ing m? ?n? m?m?nt and th?n avoiding me th? next?"
"I wasn't avoiding ??u. Its m? j?b," ?h? ??id, punching out th? words.
It f?lt lik? th?? w?r? d?n?ing ?ir?l?? ?r?und each ?th?r. The fight had l?ft Kn?x ?nd h? felt w?rn ?ut. M??b? thi? was why he n?v?r got inv?lv?d with ?n??n?.
"Kn?x," Sk? ??id qui?tl?. Sh? turn?d t? f??? him. "Put ??ur??lf in m? position. I h?d t? k??? m? job. I'm ?ur? ??u would have done th? same."
"It i?n't ?b?ut ??ur j?b," he said. H? l??k?d d?wn ?t h?r hands, wanting ?? badly t? take th?m in his and h?v? it b? th? end of th? wh?l? m???. "I g?t th?t ??u ?r? w?rking. I g?t th?t you h?v? t? act ?r?f???i?n?l ?r?und ?v?r??n? ?l?? ?nd tr??t m? like a ?u?t?m?r. I ju?t d?n't understand why ??u asked t? b? r????ign?d
"Reassigned?" Sky ??k?d, ?n???ing back.
"L?ui? told m?."
"Wh?t did Louis tell you?" ?h? asked, her head ??inning.
"Th?t you asked t? b? reassigned. He t?ld m? you didn't want t? work with me ?n?m?r?."
It was lik? a ?wit?h fli???d f?r Sk?. "Seriously?" ?h? ??k?d. Louis h?d ?r?mi??d h? would ?x?l?in ?v?r?thing t? Kn?x. "H? mu?t be ?ngri?r th?n I thought." Sh? turn?d t? Knox, "I didn't ask t? b? reassigned."
"Wh?t?" h? ??k?d. A frown formed b?tw??n his br?w?. Sh? gently reached out ?nd t?u?h?d th? ?r????, his f??? r?l?xing b?n??th her t?u?h.
"L?ui? r????ign?d m?. He had t?," ?h? ??id. "Bianca's f?mil? h?? ?n?ugh m?n?? to bring down the whole cruise lin?."
"Bi?n??? Bi?n??'? f?mil?? Wh?t?" Kn?x ??k?d.
Sh? gave him a r????uring smile. "Did you run int? Bi?n?? last night?" ?h? ??k?d.
"H?w did ??u kn?w?" H? g?v? h?r a shocked look. "Sh? showed u? right ?ft?r you left. S?m?h?w ?h? g?t ?n m? floor but M?r??? g?t rid of her."
"She didn't ?h?w up ?ft?r I got th?r?," Sk? ??id. "Sh? ??w us kissing."
"She mu?t h?v? been there b?f?r? w? got th?r?. She w?nt ?tr?ight to L?ui? thi? m?rning ?nd d?m?nd?d I g?t r????ign?d. Eith?r that ?r fir?d." Sh? l?t th? inf?rm?ti?n ?ink in. "As you ??n gu???, Louis w??n't too thrill?d ?b?ut m? ki??ing th? t?l?nt," ?h? ?dd?d.
"I'm ?? ??rr?," Kn?x ??id, looking u? at h?r. "You ?r?n't fir?d, ?r? ??u?" H? g?ntl? cupped her f??? with hi? h?nd? before h? ?ut hi? ?rm ?r?und her ?nd ?ull?d h?r ?l???r. Sh? ?li???d h?r l?g? ?v?r hi?, wr???ing h?r ?rm? ?r?und hi? n??k.
"N?," ?h? ??id. "But ??u ??n b?t I won't b? g?tting ?m?l???? ?f th? m?nth." She laughed. "I've never g?tt?n employee ?f the m?nth. Why h?v?n't I ?v?r g?tt?n employee ?f th? m?nth? I d?n't think th? ?rui?? lin? ?v?n d??? ?m?l???? ?f the month."