Page 83 of Over Us, Over You

Part Three

What’s it going to be?


(Present Day)

San Francisco, California



Do you have any new updates on this? All she’s done on my floor today is pick at the pink flowers on her desk and talk about Alaskan Coffee.

If it helps, the asshole who keeps sending her the flowers calls himself her “chum” –

I already know I’m not going to like this guy since he’s clearly capable of killing her brain cells, so feel free to dig up as much dirt as possible so I can get rid of him.

Jonathan Statham,

CEO of Statham Industries

PS—Thank you so much for helping me with this. You’re more than welcome to join my trusted senior team for a short weekend trip to Hawaii if you’re interested.


SUBJECT: RE: HAYLEY’Ssecret boyfriend.

I’m still working on it, but a few of my sources are willing to bet that he’s a nice guy...

Corey Walters

Chief of Cybersecurity

Cyber Security, Data Protection, & Trusts


SUBJECT: RE: RE: HAYLEY’Ssecret boyfriend.

I fucking doubt it.

Jonathan Statham,

CEO of Statham Industries