Page 26 of Tempt Me

I gulp. “Well no, but—”

“And obviously Max deserves the best,” she continues over me. “This is a joyful day, to be celebrated, not treated like a cheap shotgun wedding. You’re not ashamed of my grandson, are you?”

“Of course not,” I say. “But the cathedral, all this expense—”

“You don’t need to worry about that,” Sylvia says briskly. “Your parents won’t need to shoulder any of the burden. The family will pay, naturally. And since we’re writing the checks, it’s only appropriate that we have a hand in the planning, to ensure it meets the standards for a Mainwaring event.”

My heart sinks. She’s got me there. What am I supposed to say to that? There’s no way I—or my family—can even pay for a bouquet of those unscented lilies, let alone a wedding for a thousand people! And if they’re paying the bills, I can’t argue with every little detail.

She’s manipulating me, but damn, it’s an iron-clad case.

“Thank you, Sylvia,” I say through gritted teeth, just as the door swings open and Max and Sienna walk in, wearing tennis whites.

“Hey babe,” Max greets me with a kiss. “I heard you guys were planning the wedding. Having fun?”

“Uh huh,” I murmur.

Sienna spots my magazine tears on the table. “You’re not going with this?” she asks in horror, dangling a picture of my dream dress from her perfectly manicured fingertips.

Sylvia gives a little laugh. “Of course not. I have Andre on the job, it’ll be perfect.”

“Phew.” Sienna gives me a big smile. “You must be so relieved. It’s your big debut, you wouldn’t want to get anything wrong.”

I’m starting to get a headache. I turn to Max. “I think we’re finished here, do you want to go get dinner?”

Dinner, drinks, a colonic irrigation. Anything to get out of here.

But Max gives me an apologetic smile. “Sorry, babe, I have to pack. Turns out they need me in New York tonight.”

“You’re going out of town? For how long?” I ask, thrown.

“A few days, maybe more,” Max says vaguely. “But you should relax, have some fun. Hey,” he says brightly, “why don’t you and Sienna have a girls’ night out?”

I blink. “I don’t know...”

“No, it’s a great idea. You girls can gossip about the wedding, and pick out shoes, whatever it is you like to do. What do you think, babe?”

I’m hoping Sienna will say she’s busy, but instead she gives me a smug little grin. “Why not? I’m sure we’ll have tons to talk about.”

“Awesome.” Max beams and gives my shoulders a squeeze. “You’ll have a great time. My favorite girls.”

I manage a smile. “I can’t wait,” I say faintly.

Sienna smirks, and I wonder just what she’s got planned. Whatever it is, it can’t be good.