Page 12 of Tempt Me

“You’ll think about me, and you’ll come your sweet brains out, every time.”

I hurry back down the hallway, my skin on fire. Who the hell is this guy? And what am I doing even listening to his filthy words instead of heading straight back inside to my fiancé?

My sweet, respectful fiancé.

The thought of Max is like a cold shower. Oh my God, I’m the worst girlfriend in the world! Sure, I didn’t do anything with Jase out there, but I still feel guilty as sin.

I quickly find a bathroom and run cold water over my wrists, trying to cool down. My cheeks are flushed in the mirror, but finally, I start to feel like I’m back on solid ground.

That’s twice now in one day the guy has gotten under my skin. But it’s going to be the last time. If I see Jase Banner again, I’m going to run in the other direction. Fast.

The bathroom door swings open, and a trio of immaculate blonde women sashay in. They’re laughing about something, but stop when they see me.

Oh crap, Sienna.

“Chloe!” she exclaims, her face immediately smoothing into a bright smile. “Max was just wondering where you were, we were about to send out a search party.”

“You shouldn’t leave him alone,” one of the other blondes says. “You never know who’s going to snap him up!”

They all laugh, and I fake a smile, even though I’m cringing inside.

Sienna Mainwaring: Max’s stepsister, so gorgeous and polished she’s been named on Boston’s Most Beautiful People list five years running, and the model of the kind of woman I could never be. Her blonde hair falls in a sleek wave, while my curls are always one step away from crazy. She has a successful career in PR, plus sits on all the boards and charities Max is always talking about, while I’m still a glorified assistant. I’m not usually insecure, but something about this woman puts me on edge, like the way her eyes are drifting over my outfit, and a smug little smirk tugs on the corner of her perfectly made-up face.

“What a cute little dress,” she coos, going to touch up her hair in the mirror. “Who’s the designer?”

“Dolce and Gabbana, I think.” I straighten up a little. At least I don’t have to be ashamed of that, I could hardly believe it when I saw the label sewn in back.

She snaps her fingers. “That’s right, it’s from their collection from five years ago.”

I force myself to give a little shrug. “I’m not sure, I just like vintage.”

Sienna laughs. “Oh, honey, no. It’s only vintage if it’s a classic. Otherwise, it’s just old.”

I barely have time to recover from that blow before she gives me another smile and links her arm through mine. “Let’s go find the boys!” she declares, and pulls me out of the room. “You’ll have to come out to the house this weekend. Nona’s back from Paris.”

My heart sinks. Their grandmother, Sylvia, rules the Mainwaring family with an iron fist. It’s not surprising she’s such a blue blood: the temperature drops ten degrees just when she walks into the room. I’ve only met her the once, and I was so nervous, I barely said a word. “Great,” I manage to reply. “It’ll be nice to see her again.”

“Don’t worry, first impressions aren’t everything,” Sienna coos. “I’m sure you’ll make up for it next time.”

I stop. “What do you mean? What did she say?”

“Oh, nothing,” she says. “Just that you seemed a little... standoffish, that’s all. But like I said, you have plenty of time to make amends!”

She whirls off to Max before I can reply. Great, now Nona hates me, too. I look around at the fancy party—the glitter of the chandeliers and champagne glasses. I should be in a fairytale, but right now, I couldn’t feel more out of place.

Then I see Jase across the room. He’s laughing with a group of people—he seems to know them well. His muscular physique stands out, even in the well-cut tuxedo, but he looks totally at ease, greeting people like old friends and flirting with every woman who looks his way.

Which is basically all of them.

I wonder what his story is, where he came from—and why we seem to have this crazy sexual chemistry. I shouldn’t even be looking, not with my fiancé waiting close by, but I can’t help myself.

It’s only looking.

Then Jase glances up and catches my eye. He smiles across the room, but it’s not smug or flirty, the way he’s been looking at me before. This is something quieter, almost like we’re in this together: two strangers out of place in a world where we don’t belong.

I feel a moment of connection, but I quickly turn away. I don’t know his game, but that man is trouble, and I need to stay away.

“There you are, babe.” Max slips his arm around me, and I take a breath of relief. “Come meet some more people. I want us to host a party soon, and you need to know who to invite.”

He steers me away across the room, and soon we’re surrounded again. Max keeps his hand on my back, and soon there’s another glass of champagne, more congratulations for us, and more names for me to try to keep straight.

I push the guilt down and focus on how lucky I am right now. This is where I’m supposed to be: with the solid, sweet man who loves me.

So why doesn’t this feel right?