Page 30 of Tempt Me

“Where to?” Jase asks, starting the engine and moving off down the street.

“Home, I guess.” I yawn.

“Is anyone there to take care of you?”

“No, my roommate’s working. But I’m fine,” I insist. “Just kind of woozy.”

Jase clenches his jaw. “You haven’t had enough to be this out of it. That means someone must have spiked your drink.”

“What?” I gasp. “No, that’s crazy.”

“Is it?” Jase shoots back. “Did anyone buy you drinks? Did you leave them alone at all? It happens all the time. You just have to take your eyes off it for a moment.”

I pause. “I guess my soda tasted kind of weird...” I shiver. “That’s fucked up. Someone must have thought it was Sienna’s. She’s my sister-in-law-to-be,” I add. “She’s gorgeous. Blonde and perfect and polished...” I sigh. “I wish I could be more like her.”

“Sounds like a bore to me.” Jase glances over. “But you already know, I like a brunette who bakes.”

I laugh. “You need to get over that. They were roll-out cookies. Straight from the tube.”

“Still taste just as good going down.”

Somehow, his words caress me with a double meaning. I flush. Jase would taste good going down, or even better, him between my thighs, tasting every inch of me...

My pulse beats hard again, but this time, it’s not from fear, but desire.

I look over at him. He’s got one hand on the steering wheel, his profile lit by headlights in the dark. Everything about him is so raw... so rugged... so masculine. I never got it before, when Amanda would swoon over some muscly guy at the gym, but now, just looking at Jase sends a primal shiver through me.

His body is made to do dirty, wicked things.

And God help me, I want him to do those things to me.