Relief crashes over me. Thank God!
“This is none of your business,” one of my assailants sneers. “If you want, you can have her when we’re done.”
Jase snaps. He strides forwards, grabs the guy by the collar and hits him across the face with a right hook so hard, the guy goes flying to the ground. His buddies don’t wait around, they scatter without a word.
“Are you OK?” Jase demands, turning to me.
I nod, woozy. “I think... you came just in time. How did you know?” I ask, confused.
“Good timing, I guess.”
It hits me all at once, just how close this was. If he hadn’t been here... if I’d been left alone... My legs give way, and then Jase is holding me up, gentle. His blue eyes search my face, looking concerned. “Are you sure they didn’t hurt you?”
I shake my head. “I’m fine. Is he... alive?” The guy he hit is groaning on the sidewalk, blood gushing from his nose—which I’m guessing is broken now.
Jase scowls. “Asshole deserved it, laying a hand on you. Come on,” he guides me past, and I can’t stop myself from giving him a kick as he lies there bleeding on the ground.
Jase laughs. “Remind me not to mess with you.”
I follow him down the street, holding on to keep from stumbling. “Whoa,” he frowns. “How much have you had to drink?”
“I’m not drunk,” I say. “I don’t know what happened. I only had a couple of drinks, but it feels like... it feels like... maybe I am drunk!” I giggle, for some reason. Adrenaline is still pumping through me, mixing with relief. I’m OK. Everything’s going to be OK.
Because of Jase.
“Come on, I’ll get you home.”
For some reason, I feel totally safe following Jase to his car. “Fancy,” I say, seeing the sporty, black model. “What is it?”
“Mercedes,” he says, with a note of pride in his voice. He opens up the passenger door and carefully places me in the seat. I catch his hand.
“You’re bruised!”
“Nothing these fists haven’t seen before.” Jase winks, and my stomach flips over. He’s close, leaning over me, and I can smell the scent of his aftershave, spicy. Sexy. My head spins—and it’s not from my drink.
“You fight assholes on the street often?”
He chuckles. “I fight assholes in the ring. Boxing,” he says.
“Is that how you broke your nose?” I reach out and touch it, gently feeling the line of the break.
Jase freezes. “No, that was out of the ring.”
I see something in his face, something raw. “I’m sorry.” I drop my hand quickly.
“It’s OK, love.” That charming smile returns. “You can touch me anytime you want. And anywhere you want.”
I suck in a breath. He’s close, leaning closer, his lips practically grazing my cheek as—
“All set.” There’s a click. He was strapping my seatbelt in.
Down girl!
As Jase circles around to the driver’s side, I give myself a mental slap. Just because I’m feeling drunk right now, doesn’t mean I can drool all over him. And yes, he’s sexy as hell in his black T-shirt and jeans... those biceps straining out of the fabric... shoulder muscles rippling as he reaches for the ignition...
Wait, where was I?
Oh yeah. No drooling. Got it.