“Here, let me help you.” Sienna takes my arm and steers me towards the exit, and I’m so unsteady, I let her. I don’t understand. It feels like I’ve been pounding beers all night. I guess I should have eaten more than a handful of fries since breakfast, but I was too nervous about my date with Sylvia to eat a proper lunch.
Note to self: carb-load before margaritas.
“Thanks,” I tell Sienna when we get outside. “I’ll grab a cab home.”
“Not here, you won’t.” Sienna looks around. The street is busy—and spinning. “This way,” she says, and pulls me along down a side street. I stumble after her, feeling woozy.
“Are you sure? I thought I saw one back there...” I gesture vaguely, but Sienna keeps walking.
“There are always cabs outside the Regency hotel. It’s right this way.”
OK then. I follow her down the dark street, away from the crowds. I’m tired now, the stress of the day hitting me all at once. I yawn and wish I could teleport back home. It’s kind of creepy here now, and I hear footsteps behind us.
I turn. There are three guys trailing about twenty feet behind us, with baseball caps hiding their faces.
I shiver. “Um, Sienna?” I ask, tugging her sleeve. “Where are we going again?”
“We’re getting cabs. Look!” A flash of white appears at the end of the street. Sienna puts two fingers in her mouth and lets out a piercing whistle. The cab heads in our direction, and I let out a sigh of relief.
“You don’t mind if I grab this one, do you?” Sienna slides in and slams the door before I can protest. “This was fun! Have a good night,” she says through the open window, and then they’re speeding away, leaving me alone.
On a dark, empty street.
With three guys loitering, watching me.
I feel an icy shard of fear. This isn’t good. I walk faster, hoping to hit a busy thoroughfare soon. But my legs don’t seem to be cooperating; I’m stumbling off balance, like I’m drunk. How can I be drunk?
“Hey there, baby.” The guys catch up to me. “Where are you going so fast?”
“Just, to meet my friends,” I lie.
“You want to party?” Another of the guys gives me a sleazy grin. “We can party.”
“Yeah, I know a place.” The third puts a hand around my shoulder, and I jolt away.
“No thank you,” I say, trying to push past, but they’re blocking my way.
“Easy there,” one laughs. “We’re just having some fun. You look like a girl who likes to have fun,” he adds with a wink.
I panic. Oh God, what do I do? I could try to run, but the street is still spinning and I feel totally off balance. “I really have to go,” I tell them, gripping my purse tighter. I try to duck past the one blocking my way, but he easily steps to the side and pens me in again.
“I like that bag.”
“Yeah, I could use one of those for my girl.”
“Let’s take a look.”
One of them grabs it, and I hold tight out of instinct. “Leave me alone!” I manage to yell.
“Just give up the bag, and maybe we’ll let you go.” One grins, enjoying my fear.
“I don’t know,” another adds. “I could use some fun.” He reaches for me, his meaty hand on my ass, but before I can even recoil in disgust, he’s dragged back.
What the—?
“I suggest you get the fuck out of here.” A familiar British accent cuts through my fear.
Jase Banner. I don’t know how, but he’s standing there in the shadows, looking ten feet tall and twice as menacing as these punks.