Page 27 of Tempt Me



Two margaritas later, I’m wishing I was back at the mansion, talking floral centerpieces with the ice queen herself. Anything would be better than Sienna’s master-class in passive aggressive bitching.

“...And you must let me hook you up with my eyebrow girl. She has a waiting list a mile long, but I’ll tell her it’s an emergency. I know the natural look is in, but there’s a difference between full, and full-on caveman!” Sienna laughs. “Don’t tell me you need a waxer too. I won’t ask what’s going on down under!”

I finish my drink and look around the fancy bar. She’s your future sister-in-law, I tell myself. Killing her now would throw a hitch in the wedding.

Maybe that wouldn’t be so bad.

I force a smile. “Thanks. You’re so generous.”

“Of course.” Sienna smiles merrily. “It’s the least I can do. You must feel so out of your depth, moving in Max’s circles. If you ever need advice, let me know. Fashion, hair, how to dress for your body type...”

I take another gulp, draining my glass.

“Want another?” Sienna asks eagerly, getting up to go to the bar. I pause. I’m not feeling tipsy yet, and I definitely need to watch my back right now.

“No thanks, just a soda for me.”

“Better make it diet,” she says. “You’ll be wanting to drop ten pounds to fit in your dress!”

She heads for the bar before I can find a witty comeback. I pull out my phone and send another 911 text to Amanda.

Please save me!

A moment later, the reply comes.

Sorry! Working late shift.

Be strong, you can take that bitch in a fight.

I don’t know about that. Sienna could do some serious damage with her four-inch stiletto sandals, but I’m hoping it won’t come to that.

Think happy sister-in-law thoughts, I remind myself, as Sienna returns with her cocktail and my glass of Coke. “Thanks.” I take a sip and pause. It tastes kind of weird, but maybe they’re just using off-brand stuff here, so I take another drink. “So,” I start, wracking my brain. “How’s work?”

“Oh, you know, it’s so stressful, being a high-powered executive, I barely have time to think. Wait, what am I saying?” Sienna laughs. “You’re so lucky to be just an assistant. You don’t have to use your brain at all.”

“Junior agent,” I manage to get out through gritted teeth. “I’m not an assistant anymore.”

“Congratulations!” Sienna says. “But of course, you’ll be quitting soon. I know Max can’t wait to start a family, and of course you wouldn’t work after the wedding.”

“Actually, Max is really supportive of my career,” I say firmly.

“Oh, I know he says that to you,” Sienna sighs, “but just between us girls, he’s been complaining about it. I mean, he needs you for events, and you’re off running around at work. He knows you want to feel independent, but honestly, I think he’s a little insulted. Like you think he’s not man enough to take care of you.”

I stare back at her in surprise. “I didn’t know that.”

“Oh yes.” She sips her drink, tongue loosened by a couple of glasses of wine. “And when you wore that old dress to the gala? He was so humiliated. Why would you show him up like that?” she demands, stronger now. “It’s your job to show up, look pretty, and wear expensive things, so the world knows how successful he is.”

There’s a bitter edge to her voice that takes me by surprise. I don’t know what to think. Does Max really feel this way? Or is Sienna just trying to cut me down and make me doubt myself?

Either way, I’ve given this girls’ night out long enough. “I’m going to get home,” I say, hopping down off my stool. I slip and stumble, and have to grab the table for support.

“Whoops!” Sienna says. “Are you OK? I guess you had one drink too many.”

“No, I’m fine,” I insist, but when I stand straight, the room starts to spin. Weird. Maybe those two drinks were stronger than I thought.