I shouldn’t be disappointed that Jase cancelled on me. It’s a sign. A massive, blazing neon sign from the universe saying, “Don’t mess this up. Marry Max.” It doesn’t matter that even thinking about Jase makes my skin flush and my body get tight. This is just cold feet. A teeny-tiny case of pre-wedding jitters. Every bride goes through it. Right?
With my week wide open now, I throw myself into wedding planning to block all wicked thoughts of Jase from my mind. I sneak armfuls of magazines on my way home from work, and secretly browse Pinterest boards at my desk. It’s an education, for sure. I’ve spent twenty-two years of my life completely oblivious, but now I’m getting a crash course in all things matrimony. Tulle vs. silk. Farmhouse vs. ocean views. Mason jars vs. champagne flutes. I didn’t realize there was so much to decide.
I’m lucky. The more I can focus on the wedding, the less I have to worry about the whispers of doubt in the back of my mind. Or that cold, sick feeling that creeps into my stomach whenever I think about the vows.
For better or worse. Until death do us part.
“What are my colors?”
Amanda finds me knee-deep in wedding magazines at our apartment on Wednesday night. “Your what now?”
“My colors. Apparently, I can’t do anything else until I pick my accent themes!” I’m going dizzy from all the choices. “Do I want winter white or blush white or eggshell ecru?”
“Easy with the magazines, Martha Stewart.” Amanda steers me away from the mess. “Have you been sniffing too many perfume samples?”
I sink onto a chair with a sigh. “Why did I think this would be easy?” I ask. “If I had it my way, I would just elope somewhere. But now I’m supposed to plan a big society wedding that will keep Max and all his fancy friends happy, too.”
“It’s your day as well,” Amanda points out. “The happiest day of your life.”
I feel that chill again. “And I haven’t even started thinking about flowers. Did you know there are over two hundred types of lilies?”
She pats my head. “Have you even eaten? Let me make you some soup.”
Amanda starts bustling in the kitchen, and I try to pull it together. My phone rings with an unknown number. I answer. “Hello?”
“May I speak with Chloe Archer?” A frosty voice comes, and it can be only one person.
I gulp. “Sylvia? It’s Chloe.”
“Oh.” She almost sounds disappointed. “Hello.”
“How was your trip?” I ask politely. “Paris must have been wonderful.”
“It’s a noisy, dirty city in the summer.” Sylvia sniffs. “I should have skipped it and gone straight to Monaco.”
I don’t have any reply for that, so I just wait. Sure enough, Sylvia continues.
“You’re invited to tea tomorrow. It’s high time we got started planning the wedding.”
I feel a wave of relief. Of course! I should have known the Mainwarings wouldn’t leave me to muddle through on my own. “Oh thank you, that would be great. I don’t know where to start.”
“I’ll see you at three.”
Sylvia rings off without another word, and I realize too late she scheduled us right in the middle of the work day. I’ll just have to make up a reason for Marcie and duck out early. When Sylvia Mainwaring summons you, you better be there, no excuses allowed.
“Was that the ice queen?” Amanda asks.
I nod. “Tea at the castle.”
“Uh oh. Screw soup,” Amanda says. “This calls for tequila.”