Like seducing your soon-to-be-ex-fiancée.
“She likes you.” Max says it slowly, like he’s plotting something.
“I’m a likeable guy.”
“No, I mean, she wants you. I could hear it in her voice.” Max actually seems happy about it. “This is perfect. If she fucks you, I can call off the engagement and get the ring back, no questions asked.”
“You’re forgetting one important detail.” I scowl at him. “She would never cheat on you.”
Max snorts. “You can take care of that, I’m sure.”
“Could, but won’t.” I get up, and go to the door. “Unlike you, Chloe has some decency. She’s not a cheater, and I’m not about to help you drag her down to your level.”
Max rolls his eyes. “You’re forgetting who’s the boss here.”
“Am I?” I take a step towards him, my voice menacingly low. I’ve got at least six inches, forty pounds, and a lifetime in the boxing ring on him. Suddenly Max doesn’t look so cocky anymore.
He clears his throat fast. “I just meant, I’m sure we could come to some arrangement. Fifty thousand extra? A hundred?”
Is this guy for real? He wants to pay me a hundred grand to fuck his fiancée. And I thought I’d seen everything.
But I’m not a whore, and I’m sure as hell not going to hurt Chloe like this.
“Not interested,” I tell him shortly, and put a hand on his arm to steer him to the door.
Max flinches like I just decked him one. Pussy. “OK, OK, two hundred thousand,” He says eagerly.
I pause. “Half up front, no guarantees.”
“But... but...” Max splutters. “How am I supposed to trust you? You could take my money and run.”
Smart boy. That’s exactly what I’m planning to do. There’s no way I’m getting tangled in his plan to hurt Chloe, but if the man wants to give me a hundred thousand dollars for something I’ll do for free, I’m not standing in his way.
“No guarantees,” I repeat. “I’m not going to force the girl.”
Max opens his mouth. If he says what I think he’s about to say, I’m going to have to beat him unconscious, so I shove him through the door.
“Wire me the money and I’ll see about getting you that ring back.”
I slam the door behind him, breathing hard. I didn’t realize just how close to the edge I was—ready to do him some serious damage. Plotting against Chloe like this, acting like she’s worth nothing at all. It makes me want to take him apart limb from limb.
But why the hell do I care?
I take a breath, then another. Get your shit together, Jase.
Chloe’s a hot number, sure. And I’m definitely going to enjoy giving her a VIP tour of her G-spot, but there’s no reason to lose control like this. Especially when I’m about to get everything I want handed to me on a platter:
Her sweet pussy and Max’s cash, all at the same time. I’ll show her what she’s missing out on, break them apart, and still have a hundred Gs in the bank at the end of the day.
And you can bet I’ll find a way to take Max Mainwaring down, too.
Now that’s what I call a win-win situation.