After lunch, Max heads to the tennis club for his game, so I have time to kill. I’ve been rushing between work and his family events all week and haven’t had time to myself, so I decide to walk over to my favorite bookstore. It’s a bright fall day, warm enough to carry my jacket, and as I step inside the dusty store filled with stacks of old books, my tension starts to melt away.
So, Max’s family is piling on fast. It’s an adjustment, that’s all, after spending so long alone. They love him—and soon, they’ll love me too. I just have to figure out all these unspoken rules so I don’t accidentally screw up anymore.
I’m deep in thought, browsing the shelves, when I turn a corner and come face to face with the last person I expect to see here.
Jase Banner.
What the hell?
“You.” I can feel the heat already rushing to my cheeks, remembering my dream—and how I felt so good after. “Are you stalking me?”
“How do I know you’re not the one following me, love?” Jase teases. He’s in a pair of jogging pants and a navy T-shirt that clings to his muscular torso in sweaty patches, like he just got finished with a workout. “You could be one of those bunny boilers, tracking my every move.”
“I’m not... I don’t...” I splutter, before catching the glint of humor in his blue eyes. “Very funny.”
He grins. “I’m just kidding. I saw you from outside, thought I’d come say hello. What are you reading?”
Before I can answer, he plucks my pile of romance books from my arms. “Looking for a happy ending, are we? I could say the same.” He winks.
I flush and snatch them back. “Don’t let me keep you from... whatever you were doing.”
“That’s alright, running on my own is no fun. I prefer the chase.” He grins again, and I laugh in exasperation.
“Will you quit it? You know I’m engaged, I’ve already turned you down—”
“Twice,” he interjects, not at all bothered.
“So can’t you get the hint?” I finish, feeling off-balance.
“That depends on which hint you’re talking about.” Jase’s eyes rove lazily over my body, and I thank God I’m wearing a thick knit sweater today, so he can’t see the skin prickling over my arms, or the ache of my nipples tightening in response.
“How about the one where I tell you this is never going to happen,” I tell him, sounding firmer than I feel. “I don’t cheat. Ever.”
Except in my imagination.
I push past him and head for the register, but when the guy behind the counter finishes ringing me up, Jase is standing right there. I brace myself for more wicked flirtation, but instead, he gives me an open, honest smile.
“Truce?” he asks, holding out his hand. “I didn’t mean to push you, you’re just cute when you get all hot under the collar.”
I take a deep breath. His expression seems sincere. “Truce,” I agree, shaking his hand.
His touch is hot, and his hand is large, closing around mine. He towers over me, dwarfing me with his solid physique, and when I look up, our eyes catch. I feel another rush of heat surge through me.
I snatch my hand away.
“Fancy grabbing a bite?” he asks casually, falling into step beside me as I exit the store.
“I just ate.”
“A coffee then,” Jase says. “I actually came to talk for a reason. I need your help.”
“With what?” I look at him suspiciously. For all his apologies and talk of truces, he’s still dangerously sexy.
“Real estate. That’s your department, isn’t it? I’m looking for a place, figured you could help me get the lay of the land.”