Page 17 of Tempt Me

“Hello, Maxwell,” Kay replies, turning to straighten up some chairs.

“How was class?” he asks, coming to kiss me.

“It was great. We learned some Beyoncé moves.”

He laughs. “You’re so sweet to help out. I bet it’s the highlight of their week.”

I laugh. “That might be pushing it.” I pick up my purse. “See you next week, Kay.”

“Not next week,” Max interrupts. “I have that investor trip, remember? We’re taking them out sailing for the day.”

I pause. “You didn’t say I needed to come.”

“Of course you do.” Max looks puzzled. “You’ll be charming all the wives while I get another round of funding out of the men.”

My heart sinks. “I’m sorry, but I can’t miss class. And you know I get seasick,” I remind him. “I don’t know how charming I can be trying not to lose my lunch.” I smile, but Max just looks annoyed.

“You can take pills for that. Sorry babe, but this is important.”

There’s a sound—Kay clearing her throat. Max glances over, then smiles again. “We’ll figure something out, don’t worry.”

“OK,” I say quietly, but as we head downstairs to his car, I can’t help wondering why Max scheduled the trip for that day, knowing I had my class to teach.

“Hungry?” he asks, as we get in.


He laughs. “That’s my girl.” He rests one hand on my knee as he drives, and in no time at all, we’re pulling up to the valet at his favorite French restaurant. They know us here on sight, and quickly usher us to a table on the patio.

“What did you want to do this afternoon?” I ask, breaking off a piece of bread. I take a breath and try to relax. “I’m glad we get some time together. It feels like we haven’t had a moment alone since the engagement.”

But then Max gives me an apologetic look. “Sorry, babe. I told my buddy Brock I would make up a tennis four with him. Sienna’s tight with his wife, you know how they babble on.”

I try to control my disappointment. “You said we would have the whole day.”

“And we will, just not today.” Max squeezes my hand. “Anyway, I’m sure you have a ton to do, getting started with the wedding. Have you talked to Nona yet?”

“About what?”

“Her plans.” Max looks back at me, and furrows his brow. “You didn’t call her?”

I slowly shake my head. “Why, was I supposed to?”

Max’s jaw tightens. “I told you, she’s back in town, she’ll have been expecting your call to plan the wedding. Great, now she thinks you’re snubbing her. I’ll need to set up a dinner ASAP.” He pulls out his phone and starts checking his calendar.

“I didn’t realize I was doing anything wrong,” I say in a small voice.

He gives me a quick smile. “I’m sure she’ll forgive you. You didn’t know any better, that’s all. I’ll call and tell her you’re panicking about all the plans and need her expert advice. She likes being needed.”

I sip my water, trying to keep up. “About the wedding,” I start slowly. “I was thinking it would be nice to do something small. Maybe on the beach next summer. You know I hate crowds.”

“Uh huh.” Max is tapping out a text now.


“Sure, whatever you want.” He finishes and puts his phone on the table, face-up. Max flashes me an adoring smile. “You know I just want you to be happy, baby.”

“I know.” I smile back. “But maybe a little more warning about your plans would be nice?”

“Cross my heart.” Max kisses my hand. “I’ll have my secretary add you to my calendar.”