Page 172 of Biker In My Bed

“Hello.” She sounds half asleep.

“Let’s go find some answers. I need to know if this baby of mine will have a father.”

“What?” She has a little more energy with this response.

“You heard me. Be ready to leave in one hour. We’ll be a gone a few days.”

“Holy shit, Haddie. Are you serious?”

“Yes, I am. We’re having a baby. I need to know what happened to Slade.”

“I’ll be ready in ten minutes.” She hangs up and I throw about five dirty outfits in a bag. Unfortunately, none of my clothes are clean. I open the door to an eviction notice and feel the stress of everything get even heavier.

I went through my entire checking account balance the past few months not being able to work. I have about two thousand in a savings account but that isn’t going to get me very far. I may have to move in the Emma for a few months, especially with a baby coming.

When I arrive in front of her house, she runs straight to the driver side door and pulls me out of the car for a huge hug. “Oh my god. I’m terrified that this means he’s gone.”

“Maybe not. We’re going to find out though, if it kills us both.”

“Kills me. With you carrying my brother’s baby… there’s no way I’m letting anything get to you. We have to protect that baby.” She rubs my stomach and her eyes go wide. “Holy fuck, have I not seen you lately?”

“I noticed the bump a few weeks ago but wouldn’t let myself believe it. I guess I’ve been in denial. I’ve been living in baggy clothes anyway.”

“Did the doctor say you’re both healthy?”

“Yeah. I need to make sure I’m eating more.” I’ve really lost weight with the news of Slade and now that I know the baby is taking everything first that explains why I’ve had zero energy.

“Ok. I can work with that. Now where are we headed?”

“Phoenix. I think that’s where the main club is. I overheard Slade on the phone when he was staying with me. Their jackets all say Knights of Darkness, so we will look for someone wearing that and follow them. It can’t be that hard.”

She nods and quickly points toward the other side of the car. “You in the passenger seat. I’m driving.” It’s nice to see Emma have some life to her once again. I just hope the portion of that energy that’s surfaced because there’s some hope of finding Slade doesn’t get demolished when we get to where we’re going.

* * *

We’ve been driving for almost seventeen hours and the map in my phone says we still have one hour left. I’ve been trying to get comfortable but I’m so ready to get out of this car. We have taken turns driving a few times. She only lets me for about two hours and then she takes over again. We’re both running on fumes after the last few months of worrying about Slade.

“I just keep holding on to the fact that nobody has told us he’s gone. They would’ve let the family know, right?”

“It’s not the military. This is a motorcycle club. They don’t have an allegiance to anyone outside of their club walls.” I remind Emma of what we’re facing and try not to freak out about what we might witness once we get to wherever it is we’re headed. Will they hurt us for having the audacity to walk right up to their door or will they have sympathy for two girls who are obviously missing the hell out of one of their members. Or will it be even worse than where my head is allowing this to go? Or. Or. Or.

My mind will not quit. I need to do something else, so I decide to pull up my bank account to move money to pay my rent. I have to do a double take when I see the balance in my savings account. “What the hell?”


“My savings. I have over a million dollars sitting in that account.”

“When was it deposited?” I quickly connect to my savings and see that the deposit was made over two months ago.

“Two months ago.”

“Slade. He’s alive.” Emma exhales and focuses on the road while I stare in shock at the balance.

“If he’s alive… then why hasn’t he called or anything? Texted. One damn clue to us so we wouldn’t be worried out of our damn minds?” I ask all of the obvious questions and she shakes her head.

“He must have a reason.

“Or something did happen to him and this was the club’s way of making us not come looking for him.”