Page 66 of Biker In My Bed

“Can we go back to the sex part?” He grins, his mind now firmly set on the one track.

Rolling my eyes, I push away and ignore him before walking to the bedroom.

He picks up the supplies from his trip to the pharmacy as I keep walking. “Kaia. Sha! Baby? Don’t leave me hangin’!”

I snort out a laugh. “I’m going to have a nap. Can you bring me some of that Liquid I.V., and then maybe tonight when I am feeling better, we can discuss sexual gratification.”

Hurricane rushes into the bedroom, placing the pharmacy products on the side table. He has also purchased Tylenol, ginger chews, crackers, and peppermint tea. He must have been pretty convinced I was pregnant. These are all the things I needed the first time around with Immy. Turning back to face him, I reach out for his hands, taking them in mine. “Thank you for talking me off the ledge.”

His hand comes up, sliding some hair behind my ear. “You’re my Old Lady, my wife, the mother of my children, even if one of them isn’t born yet. I fuckin’ love ya, Sha. I’ve always got your back.”

My heart swells with love for this brute of a man. He looks like he could kill you with a single glance, but he really is the sweetest man I know. However, maybe that’s only reserved for me and our daughter. “If I could kiss you right now, I would be all up in your face.”

He laughs a belly laugh, holding me to him. “Then go brush your teeth, woman, so I can do a deep dive.”

I snort. It’s very unladylike as I shake my head. “You’re an idiot!” As I go to walk off to the bathroom to, in fact, brush my teeth, he reaches out and grabs my wrist, stopping me from walking. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me flush to him, and I don’t miss the way his hands slip down my ass, taking a firm hold.

“I love you, Kaia. And I am so fuckin’ happy we’re pregnant again.”

A slow smile crosses my face. “Me too, babe… me too.”




Yesterday, we spent the day trying to be as restful as possible. After how Kaia was when we arrived, I wanted her to take it as easy as possible. I wanted her to go see a doctor to be checked out, but my wife—always the stubborn one—said she wanted to wait until we got home so she could have Dr. Adams check on her properly.

We decided not to tell the club about the pregnancy until we return home. Considering we’re so far away, we don’t want them to be concerned about us. But as we are in Hawaii, we will call into Oahu Defiance and see how these guys do things around here.

I called ahead to their president, Pono, to see if we could stop in. So today, we’re off to the clubhouse on 11th Street in Ewa Beach, just under half an hour from the resort where we’re staying. We’ve rented a car, much to my disgust, but Kaia wanted to be able to get around while we’re here, so I guess it was the right choice. But my choice will always be a Harley because there is nothing like the sun in your face and the wind in your hair.

As we pull up to the tall gates with what looks like ocean waves weaving through the bars, I’m certain palm leaves are fabricated from iron. For protective measures, they’re pretty lackluster, but they certainly look damn nice.

My eyes shift to Kaia, and she grins. “We need to up our game on gate presentation.”

Rolling down my window, I pop my head out to see the prospect sitting in a deck chair, sunglasses on, Hawaiian shirt under his colors, sitting back almost like he’s asleep under his tropical bucket hat. I turn back to Kaia, who grins at me like she’s loving this. I spin back to the prospect and harshly slam my hand on the horn. Its obnoxious blast causes the prospect to jump out of his skin. He falls off the deck chair, his hat flying off his head, one of his flip-flops going in the other direction as he pulls out a gun and aims it at us.

Kaia and I laugh as he pants for breath while I raise my hands. “Calm down, prospect. Hurricane, President of NOLA Defiance. This here is my Old Lady.”

He lowers the gun, takes a long breath, and slowly stands from the sandy ground. “Well, thank fuck for that! We hardly get people coming ’round here. You scared the crap outta me.”

Shaking my head, I exhale. “You shouldn’t be sleepin’ on the job then, should ya?”

He slips his foot back into his flip-flop, picks up his stupid hat, and stows his gun. His hand pushes through the window, opening for me to shake. “Name’s Parker, but here they call me Haole. Nice to finally meet ya, Pres.”

“You too, Haole. They’ve given you a road name already, even though you’re still a prospect?” I ask.

He chuckles, shaking his head. “Nah, brah. It’s more a nickname Wipeout gave me when I turned up here. It hasn’t left me since.”

“Does it mean somethin’?” I ask, and Kaia grins with a small snort.

Haole nods. “It’s a term for tourists who are not native to Hawaii… kinda derogatory… they call me that because they think I dress like a tourist. But I don’t care. I love this place, and I’m not leaving any time soon. I don’t care if I look like a tourist.”

“You do need to be more focused on your protection detail, brother, because if I were someone comin’ to attack the club, you’d all be in deep shit by now.”

Haole nods in agreement. “I hear you. It’s just nothing hardly happens here. We’re such a chill club, but I’ll do better.”