Page 6 of Pick Your Pleasure

Chapter Five


How is it possible that he can infuriate me one minute, then have me riding in his passenger seat another. It’s the way he looks at me like he’s never seen another woman before. The intensity in his stare sends my heart beating like crazy every single time.

I don’t remember him from the benefit, but the truth is I don’t remember anyone from that night except for Brent and the brunette that I caught him with in the back room. The rest was a complete blur of insanity.

“I need to grab a few things at my apartment. It’ll only take a second.” He starts driving us in the opposite direction of my apartment before I get my words out.

“I’ll get you whatever you need. We’ll stop at my place first.” I don’t argue. I already know he’s going to try to buy his way through this day. I knew that before I got in his vehicle. He’s been very transparent about who he is.

“I’m still not sure what you expect from me. Hell… I don’t even know your first name.”

“My first name is Andrew. And I don’t have any expectations of you. I simply want to get to know you. Of course, I think you’re sexy as fuck and would love nothing more than for you to relax and let me treat you the way you should be treated.” I’m not naïve to what he’s referring to and I’ve had my share of experiences in the bedroom, but this is the first time I’ve been approached so aggressively. He’s determined and I can’t decide if I should be flattered or disturbed by the way he’s been all day.

“I should’ve never called you into my office today. I guess I was hoping it would all go a little differently.” I take this as my opportunity to chime in.

“I’m not that girl. If you want me to fall at my knees the second you grace me with your presence… then this date- or whatever it is- is over before it even starts.”

“Jesus… you’re even better than I imagined you’d be.” My face contorts into a squint before I can stop myself.

“You’ve imagined me?”

“Actually… I’ve been looking for you. Your spit fire attitude pulled me to you during the benefit.”

“Yeah, sorry. I had just found my boyfriend with another woman.” I sit back against the seat once again and let the wind catch my hair. He turns on to a side road that I had never noticed and slows just before two black iron gates. I still can’t see his house from here because of all of the trees and foliage. “What are the plans for today?”

“I’ll let you decide. I want you to enjoy every minute of it.” His sexy grin gets to me once again.

“I’m not in the habit of going to someone’s house when I barely know the person.” He pulls through the gates and drives at a slow pace down the long, narrow road until we’re in front of what seems like an ordinary house. I’m surprised that it’s not more extravagant, but I don’t say anything about it.

“Send someone my address if you’re worried… I’m not out to hurt you.”

He doesn’t say anything when he gets out of the vehicle and he only gestures for me to step out once he opens my door. I follow him until we’re inside and then he begins to make me feel more comfortable about being here.

I witness him coming to life in the living space after the music begins to play and he’s draped his jacket over the back of a chair. The man who just an hour ago infuriated me, now has me smiling and feeling more at ease by the second. I’m not sure why he couldn’t have started this morning out with this demeanor.

“Let’s start this date of you making the decisions. I can make you lunch here… or I’ll take you to any restaurant you’d like to go to.” Having a man cook for me is hands down what I’d rather have. There’s nothing sexier than a man that’s not afraid to show off his cooking skills. It just means he’s doesn’t have an old-fashioned mentality that a woman belongs in the kitchen.

“I’d love to see how well you can cook.” I respond with a smile as I sit on the bar stool facing him.

“Ohhhh. I can cook. How do you like stir fry?”

“Sounds perfect.” I watch as he chops and slices all the vegetables before he begins to prepare the chicken. The conversation is light and fun the entire time and once again I find myself enjoying time with him.

“You know you’re different than I thought you’d be. Why did you act like that this morning?”

“I wanted to come across strong and determined… and for you to take me up on this date. I knew just enough about you to know you’d make it difficult.”

“Given what you know about me… I’ll just leave that comment alone.” He glances up at me, not moving his head, but doing it so that his look is even more serious.

“I refuse to judge you on a single night of your behavior. Now if I can just keep you from doing the same.” He winks before he looks back down at the knife below. I can’t even lie and say that wink didn’t get to me.

“What’s next on the agenda? We can stay here and I’m sure we’ll find something to do… or I can take you anywhere you’d like to go.”

“Hmm. I’m not sure if I want to be seen in public with you. People might think I’m working hard for some kind of promotion or something.” My smile tells him I’m teasing. Staying here will give me the chance to see what he’s really about anyway.

“So… she wants to stay in. Is this an invitation to take this to the next level?” He slowly walks around the bar, making my insides flutter as he does.