Page 1 of Pick Your Pleasure


By Hilary Storm

Chapter One


“Shit.” I slam the door to the only vehicle I own after I look down at my watch. “I’m going to be late again.” I’ve only had this job for a week and I’m already going to get my second mark. HR specifically said I could have two before I’m written up… this is the second. This is the last thing I want to happen. I need this job desperately, so I have no choice but to take off running… if that’s what you call splashing through the flooded streets in these heels. Disgusting, warm water from the street hits my legs while the water falling from the sky is ice cold.

The wind catches my umbrella as I turn the corner of one of the tall buildings on my path. Torrential rain hits me in the face, soaking me entirely. I can only imagine how bad my makeup is running, but don’t stop to check. This day has started out terrible and it’s only getting worse the closer I get to work.

I stop at a crosswalk, waiting my turn to cross when a dark SUV takes the corner and splashes water all the way up my body, even hitting my chest. “Fuck. I can’t deal with this day.” I throw my hands down at my sides in complete frustration before the SUV screeches to a stop.

Looking to my right, I watch the passenger door open. A man in a dark suit moves quickly toward me. “I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” He attempts to hand me a white handkerchief before I respond.

“No. This has been a horrible day.”

“Please allow me to take you where you’re headed.”

“That’s alright. I think I need to go back home before something else goes wrong. I can’t go to work like this.” I look down at the brown water trickling down my entire body.

“Where do you work?” I adjust my umbrella, holding it over his head since he’s still talking to me.

“Briggs Industries.” He nods, just before he reaches for my hand.

“I insist. Mr. Briggs sent me to help you.” I’m confused by what he’s just said.


“Mr. Briggs was the one driving. He wasn’t paying attention and hit the puddle that splashed you. He wants me to make sure you’re taken care of.”

“Well, Mr. Briggs is full of kindness, isn’t he?” I can’t help but be filled with sarcasm at this point. What kind of person sends someone else to do their dirty work?

“Really, ma’am. He’s on a business call or he would’ve checked on you himself.” The driver door opens just as he finishes talking. I’ve never seen Mr. Briggs in person… until now. His dark hair and scruff get my attention first, then it’s his light blue eyes that pull me in. Holy hell.

“Mr. Briggs, this young lady works at the office.” I can feel his piercing blues eyes slide down my body before they scan back upward, landing on my face and making everything else in the world fade away.

“Greg, you’re driving.” His eyes never leave mine while he orders the other guy back to the vehicle. The weight of his stare settles in my chest and makes it hard to breathe.

“You should probably watch where you’re go...”

“You distracted me.” He’s abrupt as he interrupts me.

“I’m sorry.” I don’t know how to respond to the way he’s looking at me. The intensity is suffocating and very quickly making me feel awkward. I take a few steps back trying to decide how to get out of the situation only to have him step with me.

“Don’t be. I’m the one who owes you a new outfit.” We both look down at my clothes, making me feel exposed even though I’m fully dressed.

“No. It’s alright. I’m already late. I’ll just run home and change before I go to the office.”

“What’s your name?”
