Page 24 of Mr. Darkness

Chapter Eleven

I’m completely tormented by what I just witnessed. How can something so taboo be that beautiful? She seemed extremely at peace and happy with the ceremony, so I know she wasn’t being forced into it, but I couldn’t help but feel how society would consider all of it wrong.

I’m not sure what kind of fucked up world I’ve teleported to, but it seems to get more complicated as I spend more time with Damon. I think he’s aware of what he does to me and that’s making it worse. How has he managed to break through my anti-social walls and pull me out of my house so many times in such a short time span? He’s just so fucking intriguing and I can’t lie, he’s sexy as hell in this room… even though there are at least forty other men, he’s the one I can feel. The one I have to force myself not to look at just to prevent the temptations he causes to surface with a simple smile from his face.

I’m so turned on watching this. The wind could blow against my body and I think I’d blow. Another glance at Damon gives me away. I can feel the heat on my face, which means he can probably sense it. I make myself scan the room to see how everyone else is effected and that doesn’t help. A room full of men just as horny as I am isn’t going to make this all more comfortable.

The couple moan and groan until finally she screams through an orgasm as they squirm together against that wall. She never lets the strand of beads break and that somehow makes me feel like she passed the test somehow… not that I know for sure what that’s what this was or anything.

The men in suits begin to leave the room, each of them nodding to the couple as they leave in some strange cult like way. I try to let that deter me from the way the rest of the ceremony made me feel. In truth, it was unlike anything I’ve ever imagined. Two people so caught up in each other that they’re not tuned in to anyone else… or was it two people wanting to show off in a room full of voyeurs? Either way… what I just witnessed will forever be a memory that I won’t forget.

A group of men stop to say a few words to Damon before he looks to find me again. He slides his hands into his pockets just before he moves to approach me. The giant bulge in his pants proves he was also effected by what we all just witnessed. Apparently, he swells to the right… because I take notice of it immediately and he definitely catches me looking. Damnit.

“Camille come with me.” Damon sounds rushed and his actions only prove that when he grabs me by the hand and leads me out of the room. We continue down a long hall and around a few corners until he’s unlocking another door.

My mind is in chaos as I fight the urges to both run from him or let him teach me to be as confident as what I just witnessed, since self-assured women seem to be his forte’.

He closes the door behind us before he slips behind a drink bar and pours us both a drink. “How do you like your whiskey?”


“I need a drink after watching you in there. Would you like me to pour you one as well?” He downs a small glass of whatever he just poured before he adds another inch of liquid to his glass again.

“No thank you. I’m driving.”

“I can have Joe drive you home if you’d like.” He slides the jacket off his shoulder before he begins to unbutton his dress shirt. His ink covered hands have my attention as he pushes each button through the opening, revealing more of his chest with each one. I’m so focused on watching him move that I miss his question.


“Uhh. Sorry, what did you say?”

“I asked you if you’re ready to talk about this job offer now.” Job? He wants to talk about a job after what we just stood through. What about fucking first and then we can talk business?

I turn to hide my look of disappointment as I respond. “Now seems like a great time.” This must be his bedroom. The room is much larger than any of the others I’ve seen. There’s more wooden furniture in here and a giant bed takes up an entire wall. I’d say it’s at least two king sized beds joined together as one. I’m not sure why someone would want a bed that large, but I can only imagine it’s so he can have more people in it.

“As you can imagine, the filming is set to capture some of the lifestyles and activities that occur in the cave. We’ve talked about doing it as a reality style live filming, with only our most prominent Doms featured, I of course being one of those.” He pauses to sit on a winged back chair, motioning me to sit in the one across from him.

“It sounds like you already have it worked out, so why is it you need me?” I sit if nothing more than to watch his reactions, hoping to see why he’s so abruptly changing his demeanor.

“Each Dom is to select someone completely new to this lifestyle and convince them to portray the submissive. And in the process we will educate others on the proper process of training to all the up and coming dominant personalities.”

“And how does this involve my writing?”

He smiles, just before his face turns serious. “It doesn’t involve your writing. I want you to be my submissive.” I stand quickly before I start to pace back and forth in front of him.

“I told you I can’t do any of this.”

“We won’t do anything you aren’t ready for. You will have full control.” He moves to stand face to face with me. Stopping me in my tracks and forcing the air deep into my chest as I hold my breath and try to think about how to respond. The slide of his hands down my arms calms me just enough for me to exhale and hear his next sentence. “You can stop anything at any time. One simple movement or word from you will end everything. It’s my job to push your boundaries, but never cross them.”

“Jesus, Damon. You want me to not only do all of this with you, but do it in front of a camera so the world can see it?” I move around him, resuming my quick pace of thinking and walking.

“We will record everything, but if you don’t want it used when we’re finished, then it will never be released.”

“And all of that will be in a contract?”

“Yes. Of Course.” He approaches me slowly, picking up on my hesitant emotions very quickly. His shirt hangs open and his tie drapes down his neck. He’s talking to me and all I notice is how concerned he is in this moment compared to the heated way he looked at me earlier.

“When would filming start?”