Page 5 of Taboo

Chapter Three


This night will never end. I finally kicked everyone out of my house; well, everyone except the whore with Levi. The sounds of fucking coming from his room are my last straw.

I grab my sweat pants and put on my running shoes. Hopefully a run will help me get rid of some of this aggression. To be honest, I should've fucked those women. I should've fucked them so hard that I had no choice but to sleep.

I hear Levi bringing it home just as I close the door. Someone got special treatment tonight; he's not usually the type to give out multiple moments worth screaming over. I know this from years of being near his fucking ass while he gives no fucks about who is in his vicinity. When he wants to fuck... he fucks.

The streets are dark and the air is heavy. The weight on my shoulders is making me move slower than normal. Why the fuck does she insist on coming near me? Yes, it's taboo. Yes, she's off limits. Yes, that's disgusting to fall in love with someone you know as a sister. I'll always love her, but I can't handle her near me. My mind and heart aren't on the same page when it comes to Kali. I can't let my dick break the tie because I know where that’ll end.

She couldn't grow up fat and ugly... no she's fucking sexy and sadly, doesn't even know it. I've stopped myself many times right before a slip of telling her just how beautiful she is. I've replayed one specific moment from high school no less than a million times.

She was broken. Some dickhead boyfriend of hers was fucking a cheerleader whore after a game. She was in her car crying in the parking lot when I walked by, so I stopped to check on her. She wrapped her arms around me and cried into my chest. I held her through her tears, not caring who was watching. I remember her relaxing when my hand slid down her back. She held me tighter, almost like she didn't want to let me go. I let the night air wrap us until there wasn't a single person left in the parking lot.

She finally pushed away from me just slightly, not wanting to look me in the eye; she kept her head lowered. Using my fingers to lift her face and my thumbs to dry her remaining tears, I moved her face until it was lined up with mine.

Time froze. My morals and my give a fucks went out the window as I stood and held her. I could see her thinking and she was struggling with what was happening more than I was. Her tongue sliding over her lip was the last test on my restraint. Leaning forward, I let our lips meet. It was slow at first, like we were making sure we weren't going to be zapped straight to hell for what was happening between us. Our tongues met even more shyly, then it was like a craving passion overtook us both. I couldn't get deep enough into her mouth, into her arms, into her space. I wanted to be everywhere and I couldn't get there fast enough.

My hands moved under her shirt; she slid her hands under mine. We knew each other so well, but this was us exploring each other for the very first time. Her skin was so soft and I hate that I can practically feel it on my fingers right now.

I stop running, gasping for air and fighting for a breath so hard that I have to bend and place my hands on my knees. The sweat from my head rolls down my face and over my eyes so I decide to walk what's left of my path back to my front door. Thinking about that night. Thinking about how I'm still to this day thankful I stopped that from going where I wanted it to. How she held on tight hoping for more and listening to her tears again as I knew I was breaking her even more than that dickhead she was seeing.

The next day was brutal. Word got out that we had that moment in the parking lot. That dickhead was trying to justify his actions to everyone, so he went public with a phone picture of Kali and me. Luckily it was just me holding her and we were able to keep the truly private moment exactly that.

Stepping into my kitchen, I smell coffee. I'm gonna need coffee to get through this day. Levi doesn't drink it, so I'm sure it's his whore that's actually up and around. I don't feel like dealing with the awkwardness of meeting whoever it is in the kitchen, so I grab a cup and pour quickly. I hear the door to the pantry just as I finish topping off my cup.

I grab a hand towel from the drawer and turn, hoping to escape without being talked to. My grip tightens on my cup when I see her. She's wearing a black t-shirt of Levi's. She may or may not be wearing underwear underneath. Her hair is so fucked. She has 'fucked all night' hair. It hits me in that moment that it was her screams keeping me up. It was her in the bed that was slamming into the wall of my bedroom all goddamn night.

My squeeze is no match for the coffee cup in my hand as it shatters in my grip. Hot coffee explodes all down my body and all over the floor.

"FUCK." My skin screams in pain as the liquid runs through my clothes. I rip my pants down and my shirt off, trying to keep the heat of the coffee from burning me even further. It's so fucking hot.


"Shit, Noah. Are you ok?"

"Fuck no." She wets a towel and starts patting down my knees and thighs. She's kneeling in front of me when Levi enters the room.

"What's all the yelling?"

"The fucking coffee cup broke."

"Shit, man, I'm sorry."

"Shut the fuck up. I want you out of my fucking house now. You need to grow up and get your own damn place."

"Whoa. I didn't pour coffee on you, asshole."

"No, but you have done nothing but fuck shit up since you moved in." She stands and moves away from me, kicking my pants over my tennis shoes, which only pisses me off even more.

"Is this because I fucked Kali?"

"Don't fucking say that to me again. You can fuck her all you want. Apparently, she has no respect and doesn't have a problem fucking your nasty ass."

"Noah, stop." She steps forward with hesitation.

"Fuck off, Kali. You shouldn't even be here."