Page 1 of Taboo

Chapter One


"How many fucking people are in my house, Levi?" He can barely hear me as I yell at him through the phone and try to get him to hear me over the background noise.

"Man, I've got us a few newbies tonight, just wait till you see the ass and tits I have lined up for us." Damn him. The last thing I wanted was a house full of temptation tonight. This new ink and the irritation of sitting all damn day have left me in a shitty mood.

"Levi. You're a dick."

"Aw, you know I got you. I'll even let you pick first."

"You're fuckin’ right, you will."

"Get your ass here before I change my mind." He hangs up on me and I start my truck to get home as quickly as possible. I need to make sure they’re not tearing up my damn house.

He has to find a place soon. I can't deal with this shit every night. He lets too many people through the doors and my house is getting torn up. When I throw a party, it's precise and only the best of the best are invited. He just tosses shit on the bar and cranks the music then calls it a party, inviting any piece of ass he runs into that day.

I'm still thinking about all of his bullshit when I shift gears harder than I mean to pulling onto my street, and that even pisses me off. Fucking Levi.

I pull beside the driveway and begin cursing out loud. Someone parked a topless Jeep in my fucking parking spot. I should have that piece of shit towed. The sound of music starting up and the vibrating of the windows pull my attention away from the driveway and directly into the window of my living room.

There are about twenty people that I can see, mostly women. I glance around to look at the rest of the cars and trucks parked on my grass and all down the street. Shit. I'm obviously not seeing nearly enough people in the window to account for all of these vehicles.

I open the door and it's like a damn deja vu. This is the kind of shit I did in college. Alcohol everywhere. Tits and ass everywhere. Loose women ready to do anything to make it to the bedroom hanging all over the few guys in the room.

"Noah! Look who I met today on campus." My eyes move to hers. I know those eyes.

"Kali?" Her eyes fall. The look of disinterest is noted. Levi begins walking toward me, leaving the three women behind. She's one of his trio. Fucker always picks three. It's a guarantee he'll get pussy. Hell, most of the time it means he's getting at least a threesome.

"Yeah, it's Kali. Look at those tits, man. She's grown the fuck up."

"Dude. Shut up."

"Aw, it's not like she's your sister anymore."

"I don't need you telling me what she is." She turns away from me and starts talking to a group of girls, acting like I'm not standing right here watching her every move.

"She's my pick." I lay claim to her before he has the chance to put his hands on her. Levi is a friend of mine, and that's the reason I want him to stay away from her. I know exactly how he is.

"No fucking way." He starts to walk away like I won't stop him dead in his tracks. I follow him, keeping my cool, for the meanwhile anyway. He stops near where he was standing before and I move in close to his ear.

"It's not fucking negotiable. Touch her and I will gut you." The cocky fucking smirk on his face goes all over me. He begins to stare into my eyes before I turn to leave the room, grabbing the bottle of Jack from the coffee table as I walk past.

Every room in my house is filled with people and shit is starting to already get trashed. What little patience I had before I walked into this house exits my body when I slam the back door. Maybe the night air will keep me from killing him.

She looks different. She's not supposed to look like that. It's been a few years since I last saw her and that night was a disaster.

I tip the bottle back and feel the liquid burn my insides. Trying to block these feelings, I continue to down the liquid fire, knowing it will only help me get through this night. If nothing else, it will make me not give a shit about anything. It's like I'm calling out for that idiot I've been trying to outgrow to come to the surface.

I sit near the fire pit, listening to the water from the waterfall as it hits the pool. It's starting to feel peaceful out here, even though I can hear the noise inside. It's not long before I can feel the effects of the alcohol, which I welcome.

I pull my shirt over my head to look at my new chest piece. It's sore as fuck, but exactly what I wanted.

The sound of the door opening pulls my attention toward her. She closes it behind her, stepping out onto the patio to talk on her phone. I just watch her as she moves in those heels.

"He's here." Who's here?

"Yeah, just come and get me. I shouldn't have come. I knew Levi would lead me to him, but I guess he's not interested." What in the fuck?