"Yeah, I know. Can you stay with me until the police get here?"
"I'm not leaving you. In fact, I'll be taking you to the hospital to have you checked out."
"Ok, just let me talk to the officer."
"Tell me who you were running from first."
"I promise I will as soon as this is all over. You can take me to my house after the hospital and I'll tell you everything. Just let me get this settled." I watch her limp her way over to the police car when it arrives. I figured she'd leave my house walking funny today, but this definitely wasn't in my game plan.
I hear my phone start to ring in the grass about five feet from where we just landed. Hell, I hadn't even noticed it wasn't in my hand yet. Kali does that to me. She always has. If it weren't for Noah, I think Kali and I would've tried to make something happen years ago. He's such an ass when it comes to her, though. She's 'off limits', yet he doesn't do anything about her. Well, I'm tired of fucking waiting on Noah to give me permission to do what I've wanted to for years.
The constant ringing interrupts my thoughts about the past. It's my sister.
"What's up?"
"Tell me you're looking for a place right now as we speak."
"Not exactly."
"Levi! Noah is pissed off. You have to start pulling your shit together."
"I got this. You don't have to worry, Mandy."
"Levi, you know you can move here."
"Nah. I'll figure it all out."
"All right. Please work on that partying problem you have. It's not good for you to still be whoring around."
"Who says I'm sleeping around?"
"Please, I'm your twin. I know you better than you know yourself."
"What if I told you I found someone that may be worth trying to settle down for?"
"I'd call bullshit."
"Yeah, I know. That would be crazy."
"Do I know her?"
"Nah. I was just joking." Or am I? I'm seriously thinking about mentioning Kali, but Mandy would have my ass. She and I both know how Noah feels about her. I've definitely done a better job of keeping my feelings hidden than he has.
"Ok. Please try to find a place."
"I will when I finish what I'm working on."
"All right. I love you, Levi. When will I get to see you?"
"Maybe I'll take a road trip soon, you never know."
"I can't wait!" I see the officer questioning Kali, so I rush off the phone.
"Talk to ya later, Mansy." I know she hates that nickname, but it wouldn't be a conversation with her brother without it.
"Bye, Levi."
"Bye." I start walking towards Kali. She's looking at her Jeep as the officer talks to her.