Glancing at my phone, I can see that they’re both awake now. Message after message and missed calls line up my screen from both of them. I refuse to read any of them and I sure don’t have it in me to listen to the voice messages they’ve left.
I call the cab service early, hoping if I’m at work they’ll both leave me alone. That’ll give me time to get the strength up to push them both back when they approach me to come back. I can’t even say who I think I’ll see first after the way they both acted yesterday, but I know they won’t give up until they’ve said their peace.
My shift ends early tonight, which will give me time to get home and settled in before it gets dark. I look around the curtain as I wait for my ride, studying the neighbor’s house. Everything is frozen in place as I look for any signs of life over there. There aren’t any vehicles in his driveway, so I can only assume he’s not there either.
I only allowed myself a quick glance when the first cab dropped me off, wanting to get inside before he drove off. My house is secure, even more so since Levi had a new security system installed. I guess he felt better knowing if I ever came back here, I’d be protected.
The rumble of an engine gets louder and my heart begins to beat rapidly. I look in the neighbor’s driveway expecting it to be him, but it’s still empty. It only takes a few seconds and the knob on my door is being turned. “Kali. I’m coming in.” It’s Levi. Before I have a chance to say anything back to him, he’s standing in my living room.
“What the fuck? You have a key to my house?”
“Yes. I’m not fucking around with that asshole next door. I told you I don’t want you staying here.” He’s livid as he paces the room.
“Levi. I can’t do this anymore. You’re both making me crazy and I don’t like who I’ve become.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. You’re perfect and I’ve watched you smile more in the past few weeks than you probably have in years.”
“I’m not perfect. Do you not know that I slept with Noah an hour after you left my bed? What does that make me, Levi?” I’m yelling hysterically when my cab pulls up. Levi steps back in shock before he tries to move to stop me from leaving. “No. Don’t touch me. I told you I can’t do this anymore. Let me go, Levi.”
The look on his face breaks me. I turn quickly, because if I stay any longer I’ll lose what little control I have over my emotions. “Lock the door when you leave!” I yell back as I practically run to the car waiting for me. He’s glaring at me as the cab pulls away and even though I should feel better about getting away that easily, I know he’ll be back to make his point.
Chapter Twenty-Two
She’s impossible. Putting herself in danger because she’s caught up in a mess with the two of us. I know what I need to do. This can only be settled after I talk to Noah. He can’t want this for her. I’ve never seen her more torn than she was just now.
I lock up her house and call Greg. He’s the friend I’ve had watching this fucking neighbor of hers. Luckily, He answers on the first ring.
“Tell me you have him in your sights.”
“Sure do. Also have some footage of him breaking into a house a few streets over. I’m sending that to a friend of mine on the force. He should be out of your hair soon.”
“Nice work. Keep me posted today. Kali has moved back to her house, so I’ll need to know everything that happens today.” She doesn’t know I’ve had this guy tracked. It was something I had to do. I couldn’t handle the thought of this guy coming around her. Something tells me he’ll try to prove a point if he ever gets his hands on her.
“Will do.” Greg is a guy I knew from the club. He started his own security company a few months ago and was thrilled to get my call. I knew he’d do what it took to get that fucker out of Kali’s life.
I know she’s headed to work. She’ll be safe there, so I’m going to spend the next few hours trying to reason with the only other person who doesn’t seem to listen to me when I talk. This should be fun.
He’s rushing down the stairs when I open the door. He stops to look at me frantically before he starts asking questions. “Did you find her? Is she safe?”
“Yes. She’s at work. Mike just texted me saying she came in early.” He moves at a normal speed down the remaining steps and follows me into the living room. I sit on the couch and wait for him to sit in the chair across from me.
“So you fucked her last night.” He stands abruptly, anger spreading across his face.
“What I do with her is none of your fucking business.”
“It is when it causes her to run out of here, straight toward a fucking sicko that lives near her.” I put my arm over the back of the couch while he slowly sits down again. “She made it my business when she told me through her tears, saying that she had been with you an hour after I left her bed.” He squints his eyes at me, processing what I’ve just said.
“She’s torn between the two of us. I could tell by the way she ran from her house to keep from having to look me in the face.” He places his elbows on his knees and leans forward in a thinking position.
“We have to make this easy on her. One of us needs to walk away.”
“Just who do you suggest does that?” He stands again when I question his motives.
“She’s always loved me.”
“And you’ve always pushed her away.” I interrupt him, only to have him do the same right back to me.