Page 3 of Taboo

"Tell me how soft your tits are."

"Goodnight, Noah."


"Noah, seriously. You know how fucking soft my tits are. You know they're a full-size D, and you know exactly how it feels to run your tongue over them."

"Keep talking."

"NOAH. I'll see you tomorrow." I hear the line go silent. Why do we have to be so good at fucking and so terrible at relationships? I've known Mandy since high school, and Levi is her twin.

She's always had her shit together, whereas Levi is obviously a different story. That's exactly why I've spent more of my life chilling with Levi, but things have changed. I'm not ready to go backwards in life where my house is constantly trashed and the cops are called just to keep the noise down.

Chapter Two


I lie there mostly in the dark and start to think about Kali. No matter how hard I try to switch my thoughts to, hell even Mandy, I can’t help but stay focused on the way she looked watching me. There's no doubt in my mind that she was turned on watching me. I swear if it would've been another woman standing there like that, I would've walked away from the blow job and approached her just out of curiosity. Anyone who can handle that has to be a fuckin freak. Knowing the woman that I constantly think about is at that level... should flip me the fuck out, but damn it, it doesn't. It intrigues me.

I stand and remove my jeans, dropping everything to the floor. My dick is twitching back to life and I start to consider walking back out there to bring a piece of ass into my room to play for the night. I need to wash the last whore off of me first. In fact, a hot shower sounds damn perfect. I can still hear the party going strong, even though I told that fucker to end it. He has until I finish this shower and pull my pick for the night to get people out of my fucking house.

Tossing my phone on the dresser near the bathroom door, I glance at the picture of me with my dad that sits under the only lamp lit in the room. I’m almost positive that picture had to be that summer we moved away from Kali and her mom. I had just turned eight…. she would’ve been six. I remember being confused by what was happening. That summer was the beginning of the life I would come to know all too well with a drunken father that doesn’t even give a fuck if his son eats. I haven’t seen him in years and don’t plan to see that asshole anytime soon.

I stop dead in my tracks right after I step into the bathroom. That silhouette caught my attention. I really need to get my head out of my ass and take notice of my surroundings. It wasn’t until the bathroom light hit that corner of the room that I even had a feeling I was being watched.

I could let her off easily and just get into the shower, allowing her to escape…. but what’s the fun in that?

Instantly opening the door and taking a step back, I begin to move around the room. She’s standing now, frozen in mid step, but I don’t let on that I see her.

What the fuck is she doing in my bedroom? This shit is getting out of control. It's one thing for my mind to be thinking of her, but for her to keep showing up in my actual fucking space... that's a different situation altogether.

My anger starts to spark thoughts of how to handle this and I quickly choose to teach her a lesson. She should've never walked through the front door of my house, let alone the fucking door to where I sleep.

Grabbing a pair of shorts, I walk to the door on a mission as I step through each leg. This is a moment I'm going to say a silent thank you to Levi for being a pain in my ass and not listening about getting everyone out quickly because I can still hear the crowd. Turning the light on and leaving the door open, I step out into the hallway.

There's a hot brunette walking down the hall toward the room Levi is currently staying in.

"Hey." She turns her head with a sexy over the shoulder look and stops in her tracks at the sound of my voice.

"Oh, hey." Her hands go to her long hair as she starts to twirl one finger through a few strands.

I don't take a step out of my doorway, there's no fucking way I'm letting the person behind that silhouette escape before she gets an eye full of why she needs to stay the fuck away from me.

"Come here." The brunette turns and walks her sexy ass straight toward me. Her legs go on for days in those heels and that short red dress. Each of her steps is directly in front of the last, causing her hips to move with perfection. Shit, this will be such a perfect lesson for Kali.

"What can I help you with?" Her eyelashes have to be fake, they're too perfect not to be.

"Tell me you have a friend that you can bring to my room to join us."

"What exactly do you have in mind?" I move slowly toward her mouth, looking deep into her eyes. I let my hand slide up her small curves, purposely brushing every inch of skin my hand can cover. Slowly slipping my fingers into the hair covering the back of her neck, I grip tightly, pulling her head back with the force of my action. Her eyes widen and she begins to smile.

"You know what I'm after, go find someone." I drop my hand from the grip of her hair and turn to go back into my room.

She's moved from the frozen state she was in earlier. I don't see her right away. If it weren't for the fact that I noticed my closet door was closed earlier, I'd have no idea that she was still in here.

I purposely open the closet door all the way and turn on the light, before I toss my dirty clothes on the floor just inside. Remaining nonchalant is entertaining to me. I should really be nice to the girl I used to call my sister, but that ship sailed a few years ago.

A nice guy would never do what I'm about to do.