"I'm going to do some paperwork and I'll be back in a few minutes." He steps away from her as I walk up.
"What did he say?"
"Nothing, just asked me a few questions."
"Did you tell him about whoever was chasing you?"
"No, it wouldn't do any good."
"Why is that?"
"Levi, I told you I'll tell you later. Please just leave it alone." Is she insane?
"Kali. Fuck this. Do you see your Jeep going up in smoke? You need to get this guy on record."
"Yeah, well that didn't work so well for me last time, so I'll take my chances." I put my hand on her arm trying to comfort her before I start in on my reasoning, but she pulls away harshly.
"I'm serious. Not. Now." I can’t imagine what has her acting like this. I can only imagine that I’m going to fucking hate what she tells me and I’m going to want to hurt someone if they fucked with her. The desperation in her voice when she called me has me so worried.
“Ok. I’ll leave it for now, but like I said earlier, we will have this conversation today.”
“Fine.” She stops talking just as a few firemen walk over. The fire has been out for a while, but the smoke is still rolling from her Jeep.
“Ma’am, we have an ambulance headed this way to take a look at you, but I’d like to look at you myself before they get here.”
“I’m fine.”
“It appears that you rolled your Jeep. We need to make sure you weren’t hit anywhere that may have caused internal issues.”
“Ok.” She looks like absolute shit, but this day has taken a big dump on her. I’m just not used to seeing her so rough.
I watch them look into her eyes and question her further. The ambulance finally gets here, but she turns it away. She’s still stubborn as hell, just like I remember.
“Everything appears normal from what I can tell, but you should go to the hospital to be thoroughly examined.” She gets the recommendation from the medic, but is shaking her head no before he finishes his sentence.
“I’m fine. Thank you for checking me over.” She starts to walk toward me as soon as they hand her back her jacket.
“Please take me home. I need out of here.” She talks to me as she walks past, headed straight for my truck. Her hair is a fucking nest of shit and stickers and on any normal day I’d give her hell about it, but not today. She looks like she’s about to break and I’d hate to be the last straw that does it.
“I’ll take you home, but I’m not leaving until you talk.” I start the engine as I watch her rest her forehead on her hand as she leans against the passenger door. What happened to that confident woman that I fucked last night? The one so bold she ripped my clothes from my body the second we made it to my room.
The drive is quiet and she doesn’t even look over at me until I kill the truck in front of her house. “He lives next door. I made the mistake of going on a date with him one time and then ended it. He didn’t take well to my rejection and eventually I caught him watching me through my windows one night. He has threatened to make me fuck him again, but so far he hasn’t done anything extremely aggressive.”
“What the fuck, Kali? Tell me you have a security system in your house.” I have to interrupt her because my insides are about to explode with anger.
“Yes I do, but you and I both know he can get to me when I’m not in the house. Plus, those things will only let authorities know he’s already in my house.”
“I’m giving you a fucking gun.”
“I already have one. I carry it on me at all times.” I sit back against my seat, not feeling any better about all of this. This guy sounds like a lunatic and I don’t like the thought of her having to deal with him on a daily basis.
“You need to move.”
“I plan to when my lease is up. The landlord won’t let me out of my lease until it ends in three months. Until then, I have to stay because I can’t afford anything else.” My mind begins to think crazy thoughts, so I change the subject. Noah would kill me if I moved in with her, especially after last night.
“What happened today that caused your wreck?” It was something that occurred quickly after she left my place, so I’m worried he was stalking her.
“He started harassing me at a light and I turned so I’d lose him.” She slumps in her seat when she starts talking about it all. My mind starts thinking about all the possibilities of things he’s either done to her or plans to do.