Page 2 of Vengeful Queen

“I’m sort of dating him,” I admit sheepishly while my hands fidget in my lap. “We became close at college, and I wanted to. I know I should hate him worse than Howland, but I don’t.”

Astrid sits back down, looking amazed by my confession. If only she knew how far it has gone. “I thought you were sleeping with the clean-cut one,” she replies. “He looks clean cut, but they’re always the dirtiest jerk-offs.”

“You mean Hudson,” I reply, staring past her at the cream-colored wall. “I’m sleeping with him too. He was blackmailing me for blow jobs.”

Astrid scowls as her fingers grip the counter, turning her nails white. “What does he have on you?”

“He knew Howland wasn’t my father,” I reply quickly. “I’m not sure how he found out.”

“Do you want someone to talk to him?” Her tone is menacing as she cracks her knuckles. “And you damn well know what I mean by talk.”

I hold up my hand and hold my gaze on hers. “It sounds awful saying it out loud. No, it’s okay. We’re okay. I’m okay with him now. He’s been looking out for me, and we’re a lot closer now.”

“What about the guy with the tattoos?” she asks. “That’s the one I would’ve hit if I had been looking.”

A grimace slips out as I shake my head. “We’re not that close, but I gave him a blow job, and the video was leaked to a frat.”

Astrid places her head in her hands and moans. “Are you sure you weren’t trying to take one of them out with that candlestick? I would’ve aimed for the balls.” Her tone shifts to serious as she eyes me. “No one else needs to know the truth about Howland. Charlotte, you’ve earned that money by being his daughter. A devoted one, unlike me.”

“Thanks. I feel better knowing you’re okay with it.”

“We both got shitty deals,” she continues. “At least we don’t have to worry about money anymore. Charlotte, you stepped up when I needed a sister, and I’m here for you. I’m going to contact the gym. There are people at Phoenix that guard people professionally. I’ll take care of this now, and later, we’re going to talk about your relationships.”

I go back upstairs to my bedroom, exhausted and convinced that we’re alone in the house. As I climb the stairs, I listen to Astrid on her phone, speaking to someone about extra security. An image of the old man who sits in the gatehouse flashes into my mind. I see the stalker scaring him senseless, causing him to fumble his gun and shoot himself in the foot.

Lying down on my bed, I study the ceiling, which hasn’t changed. My eyes trace the medallion in the center as thoughts circle around my head. I can drop out of Ivymore. Why go back to the pain? I only went there to secure my future, and it didn’t help. But staying at Alva Park isn’t an option either, not now that the stalker is so close to home.



I want out of that mausoleum of a mansion and to be around people again. It will be nice to have coffee with Dr. Rawlins, so that afternoon, I hurry to the Café Le Monde in downtown Rockingham. I haven’t been in the café since Stonehaven. Everything is the same inside, from the white subway tiles and black accents to the scrumptious desserts lining the counter. Dr. Rawlins smiles when she enters and gives me a tremendous hug that encompasses my battered soul. I crave hugs more than anything right now.

“I received another email from your other family.” She never refers to them as my paternal family. “They would like to set up a meeting while you’re here in town.”

Absentmindedly, I draw a line with my fingernail on the smooth paper napkin. I thought I was hungry, but my stomach can’t even deal with the enormous sugar-encased bear claw on my plate in front of me.

“How did they find me again?” I ask quietly.

“The lawyer, Mathers, found them per my request.” Rawlins sighs. “I also did some detective work on my own. I have a friend in the police department I could’ve asked. But for now, it’s better to be discreet.”

Rawlins pushes aside her cup of Earl Grey and places her iPhone on the small table between us. She frowns as her finger glides across the screen, searching for something she urgently wants to show me.

“The yearbooks from your mother’s class are still in the Stonehaven library,” she says. “The older books haven’t been digitized yet. I found several pictures of her with your father at intramural events. It wasn’t unusual for Stonehaven students to date Rockingham students, despite their football rivalry. I also found their picture in the Rockingham yearbook at the library at his prom.”

I lean over to take a peek at the screen while she scrolls. “Was there a prom photo of them together in her Stonehaven yearbook?”

Rawlins shakes her head. “A Stonehaven girl would never bring a Rockingham boy to the prom.”

That doesn’t surprise me. The snobbery of Stonehaven was controlling. After all, I refused a scholarship to avoid a charity label. I lean back and easily lose myself in my thoughts. “I wonder why I never met him before.”

Rawlins smiles sadly. “It would’ve caused a scandal.”

I sit up and straighten my spine, fully aware of what she’s implying. “That’s ironic. My existence started with a scandal.” I bite my lip and power on. “You may hear things about me that aren’t ideal. I’m sorry, but I didn’t know what else to do.”

Her finger stills as she looks at me from across the table. “Do you want to tell me?”

“No. For now, I just want to pretend that being rich is all that matters.” I look down at her phone again. “Did you find the pictures?”