We establish that I’m a freshman, and I ask to see a student counselor, thinking it will be easier talking about sex without being judged. As nice as the older woman is, I can’t imagine her knowing much about sex.
She walks me to a small office, and I step in, immediately greeted by a young woman seated on the couch. Omigod. It’s a Theta sister.
“Charlotte, isn’t it?” asks the Theta.
I nod. “I’m sorry. I forgot your name.”
She smiles. “Helen Rowden. I remember you from the Alpha parties, though I haven’t seen you there lately.”
I shake my head. “I’ve been busy studying.”
We sit down on the couch. “You don’t have to be so nervous,” she assures. “A lot of freshmen come to counseling. I’m worried about the ones that don’t. Is there anything you want to talk about in particular today?”
Maybe I should just dive into the deep end. Maybe talking to her is a good thing. She’s a Theta, and if the Alphas know, then she will too. I stop myself. I don’t see the advantage of being too open. “A boy in my dorm. We did something together. Not sex, but close. And he has a bad reputation, and I’m afraid I might get one too.”
I look down at my hands the same way I would’ve if Howland were questioning me for missing curfew.
Helen laughs as if I’m being naïve. “It happens when you leave home for the first time and end up in a co-ed dorm.” She pauses. “Wait, you went to boarding school with Wren Thorton?”
“Yes, I’m not inexperienced, but boys at our school wouldn’t ruin a girl’s reputation. Not one they liked.”
Not if they wanted to get some more later.
She nods. “Well, not every boy here is of the same caliber. Is that a good word to use? Most don’t come from boarding schools. I went to boarding school in Rolling Hills, Indiana. So, I know what you mean. Some girls had reputations, but the types of guys I dated kept their mouths closed if they hoped to get it again.”
I smile. “You do understand.”
“I do. Charlotte, you have to continue to be selective here. Alpha men are always a good choice, and you should definitely pledge Theta. There’s a boy in your dorm pledging Alpha. Hudson Eckhard.”
The smile stiffens, but I keep it in place.
“He would probably be a better choice.” She frowns a little. “Wait, did you know him from school?”
I nod. “But he transferred out and went to public school.”
She sighs. “Well, avoid that other boy and hook up with an Alpha, not a wannabe.”
I don’t mention that Jaxon is also pledging and likely to get in. “Thanks.”
“Are you going home for Thanksgiving?” she asks.
“I’m staying put.”
“Well, I’ll also be here. Thetas volunteer at the soup kitchen. Come over and hang out, if you have the time.”
“Sounds good.” I smile brighter than 60 watts, “I’ll stop by.”
Helen reminds me of Wren if Wren were into adulting. I hate myself sometimes for being a phony, but old Charlotte knows exactly what to do. She knows what I need if I ever want to be rich again.
Chapter 36
The dorm was quiet on the first official day of Thanksgiving break after the commotion Friday night when people were heading home. On Saturday morning, there’s a little more commotion as more people leave for the week off. I’m relieved another round of exams is finally over, and there’s less than a month left of the semester. What am I going to do about winter break?
Yawning, I stretch my limbs in my tiny bed and roll toward his warmth. I can feel Asher’s hard erection pressing against my bottom. I’m tempted to toss my comforter off me and crawl under his blanket with him. Except we have an agreement—he can sleep in my bed if all we do is sleep.
He yawns and opens his eyes, his dark hair sticking in all directions on top of his head. Asher reaches out and pulls my body into a hug as his arms wrap tightly around me. I want to reach my hand between us and slip him between my legs, but it was my idea that he could only sleep over if he stayed wrapped in his own blanket.