Page 30 of Vicious Kings

Leaning his slim hip against the counter, Jaxon turns to face me and beams that killer smile. “But that look on your face makes me think I fucked up big time.”

I sigh, wishing the music was louder so we wouldn’t have to talk. If he’s not interested, I will get over it. “Okay, I’ll admit the obvious.” I look him in the eye. “You’re hot and everything. The whole school knows that by now. But we’re only going to be friends.”

Jaxon points toward the center of the room as if we’re watching the replay. “You think I did that to impress?”

I shake my head. “No, what you did was genuine, but right now, you’re taking advantage of it.”

“I’m not playing, Charlotte.” He leans in close, and I feel his breath on the edge of my ear. He knows what he’s doing—he’s turning me on.

“I’m not interested,” I sigh again. “Look, you’re a cool guy to hang with, but you’ve got a reputation.”

“A reputation?” He sounds alarmed, but there’s concern in his eyes as he inches away.

“Yes, and it’s barely been a month, and the girls want to check out the tattooed guy who delivers.” I glance down at his perfectly fitting jeans and swallow hard. “But I don’t want to be on your growing list of conquests. Sorry.”

“You’re not even a little curious?” He leans in close, playfully giving me a nudge. “It will be our secret. I can keep a secret, sexy. You have a few. Why not one more?”

I shiver, setting my teeth on edge. I back away from his energy, and the attraction is making my body heat up in a primal way. I’m not lying when I tell him he’s hot. His body is kicking, and the way he swung that guy around like he weighed an ounce? It was hot to watch a guy protect me. No matter what women say, it’s Neanderthal.

My eyes lift, and he’s smiling in my face. “What big teeth you have, Grandma,” I tease.

He laughs, but all that showing off doesn’t stop me from walking away. In the dining room, a large folding table is pushed against a wall, and the surface is covered with red cups. The cups’ contents range from beer to cola spiked with rum. Partiers are slowly getting wasted.

Sipping a flat coke, I lean against the archway between the dining room and the living room and watch couples dancing in the living room. Some people are really moving to the fast beat, but others are slow dancing, ignoring the tempo of the song. Tracey and Sam are in a huddle as they barely move to the music. They’re talking rather than dancing as she leans in and giggles at something he’s just said.

I smile and remind myself not to be jealous of someone who’s managed to find a normal guy in the crunch of a frat party.

A hand touches my lower back, and I start, almost dropping my drink. Asher walks around me, close enough that I can smell the sweat on his skin. He smiles and positions himself in front of me, blocking my view.

“So, how do you think you did on your exams?” he asks.

I roll my eyes at his lame question. “Okay.” I look past him at the dancers, and he watches them too.

He faces me again. “You wanna dance?”

I stare him down. Sort of. “No, and I don’t want to give you a blow job later either.”

He scoffs, as if I hurt his iron heart. “I was only asking about exams. You’re jumping to conclusions.”

“Not too far,” I reply. “Don’t pretend you would turn it down.”

He places his hand against the wall so his arm is against my back. “Would you turn me down?” he whispers.

My face starts to heat, and I damn well make sure I don’t look down. “Nothing for you tonight. I’m not in the mood to be fucked with.” I push his arm off my shoulder as I walk away. Wren glances over from the living room, seated by a frat brother, and watches the exchange. I don’t care if I look stuck up.

I walk past the stairs leading up to the second floor. Never will I ever go up those stairs. I’m not getting a label attached to my back. I look over my shoulder, and Asher is watching me. The look in his eyes broadcasts his want to anyone who’s paying attention to him. He doesn’t care if everyone here knows how bad he wants me. Never again.

Wren smiles as I attach myself to her little group seated in the living room.

“Good for you.” Wren looks past me and gives my hand a squeeze. She looks at the other girls seated with her. “Charlotte always gets hit on, but she knows how to shoot them down.” Wren points her fingers in the air and makes a noise that sounds like a shot. “Bang, bang. Shot through the heart.”

The girls laugh in unison as a tipsy Prisha leans in and hangs off my shoulder for a second. I grin a little, but I’m not feeling it. Sure, I’ve told people off and put others firmly in their place, but I no longer do it for kicks. I only do it now to protect myself, and the best way to do that is to make myself clear. I’m not a toy for boys.

Gently, I brush Prisha off my shoulder, and she giggles as she teeters in her seat and lands on Wren. I’m not feeling any of this. I can’t wrap my brain around impressing the Theta sisters. No doubt those are the other girls seated with them. I wander back into the kitchen when someone taps my shoulder. Why can’t these guys hear me say no? I spin around, ready to go off, but swallow my words fast. One of the Theta sisters has followed me from off the couch.

“You shouldn’t feel bad for giving him a dose of what he deserves,” she says clearly over the loud music. “Shooting him down will teach him how to respect.”

I laugh. “I know him from home.”