Page 23 of Vicious Kings

“Sorry. Truce?” I ask.

She nods.

“Glad you’re not into playing games,” I tell her.

She rolls her eyes. “Glad you’re not condescending.”

Chapter 17


Without a word, we start to walk along the path, past all the celebratory people checking out the academic buildings—parents happy to have one less kid in their house, and kids glad to be that one kid. The squeals and laughter start to get on my nerves. We head off toward the oak tree, walking through the field of overgrown grass as the voices behind us fade away.

“It’s beautiful out here.” Charlotte looks up at the cloudless sky. I wasn’t certain before, but she is a beauty. The light shines in her eyes and glows on her silky skin. The walk has left her cheeks glowing pink, and maybe she has on a bit of lip gloss? Not the type of girl that follows Tik-Tok trends. There’s something deeper hidden in her mind. A sadness in her eyes reveals more than she wants to show.

Suddenly, I want to know more. “You want to talk about family shit?” I ask. “Free therapy from an opinionated person.”

“I’d rather not. There’s a reason why I barely call home.” She leans her back against the oak tree, and her fingertips trace the scored lines. “What are these for, do you know?”

“No.” I smile. “I can’t figure it out. Why aren’t you more like your friends?”

Charlotte avoids my eyes. “Why aren’t you hanging out with some girl?”

Now, I’m the one squirming. “I am with a girl. I’m with you.”

She gives me a look that shuts down my flirtation. Charlotte opens the bag and pulls out an apple muffin, then holds the bag open for me. I grab a blueberry.

“You’ve got quite the haul in your bag.”

“I don’t want to eat in the cafeteria today,” she says, “I was just busting you before. I’m trying to figure out if you’re really badass or if you’re just posing.”

“Posing?” I lean back on the grass by her feet. “You think I’m trying to be cool. Why would I be here if I was interested in being cool?”

She grins and tilts her head. “What are you thinking of studying instead of medicine?”

“Engineering. I like messing around with tech. What’s your track?”


I pretend to faint. “That’s a hard major.”

She raises a brow. “For a blonde, or for anyone?”

“Wow, you are on defense.”

“Sorry,” she grins, “I’m having fun at your expense. You seem like one of the few genuine people around here. So maybe I’m trying to figure out if you’re real with me.”

“Or trying to get into your pants?” I look up at the sky and think about it again. “I’ve been trying to figure you out too. You’re a stunning woman.”

Charlotte snorts back a laugh. “Please don’t hit on me. I like it better when you show little interest.”

I roll onto my stomach and look at her. “I’m serious. You are stunning, and I wasn’t hitting on you. You have something hidden behind those sexy blue eyes. On the outside, you’re put together, but I think you’re raging inside.”

She smirks at my panty-melting speech. “If I told you that I wanted to make out, you would?”

I lift up eagerly on my elbows, staring at her like a puppy dog anxious for a treat. “You want to?”

Charlotte laughs. “Aren’t you afraid of getting a reputation? What are you going to do when a gang of rejected women corners you?”