“How’s Charlotte?” he asks.
I lift a shoulder. “Okay. She’s staying with my mom for a few days.”
“And then what?”
“I’m not sure, but she’s intent on making her own way,” I reply, “And honestly, she’s not bummed out by it at all. I’m scared for her, but at the same time, I’m happy. She’s stronger than we believe.”
“Well, I’m going to keep an eye on her from a distance, and you,” Bryce smiles and reaches into his coat pocket. He hands me a small velvet box wrapped with a white ribbon. I look nervously at them both. Something is going on, but I don’t want to hope for too much. Justin nudges Bryce, which makes Bryce smile wider. “Go on, open it, or it’ll be summer when you do.”
Instead of opening it, I place a gift in his hand. “You can open yours while I open mine.”
The ribbon falls to the floor as I eagerly open the velvet box. Gasping, I pluck the ring out and admire how the diamonds encircle the band and sparkle in the subdued sunlight.
“It was my grandmother’s,” Bryce says, “I want you to have it.”
I wrap my arms around his neck. “Thank you. Now, open mine.”
Bryce laughs, holding up the key. “It’s perfect like you, baby. What does it open?”
“Okay, so what’s perfect beside me?” Pierce strides into the room dressed in a thick cable sweater and jeans. He rubs his hands together as he peeks over Bryce’s shoulder. “Nice,” he says, looking at the key. “We’ll have to toast later.”
“Toast what?” I ask.
“You’ll see.” Pierce tugs me against him. “You feel that? Is there something in my pocket, or am I just nasty?”
“You are a pig.” I try hard to look disgusted as my hand moves between us. I watch him as he pretends I’m doing more than taking a ring box out of his jean pocket. I hold it up, wrapped in red and green paper. “There seems to be a theme here.”
Pierce looks at the others. “See, I told you she was smart.”
I open it and smile when I see the heart-shaped ruby stone on the gold band.
“It’s pretty pricey,” he says, “though it’s redder, like a lollipop.”
I shake my head, putting it on. “It’s gorgeous like you.”
He comes close. “You have something for me, sweet cheeks.”
I hand Pierce his gift, and he shrugs. “I was hoping for something else. Preferably requiring a lot of touching, but I’m sure this is nice too.” He laughs, nodding his head with approval when he sees the key. “Touché.”
Wyatt slips into the room as the boys discuss the keys. And I smile shyly at him. He peeks over their shoulders and smiles. I hold out my hands, showing him their presents to me.
“Mine isn’t as fancy,” he whispers. He places a black leather box in my hand.
“I’m sure I’ll love it the most.” I smile when I see his ring with a black stone. “It’s beautiful. What is it?” I ask.
“An onyx with a couple of diamonds. I think it’s deep and dangerous like you.” He opens his and kisses my cheek sweetly. “This is great.”
I hold out my hands and wiggle my fingers. “I sense a theme here.”
“We talked it over,” says Bryce, “Sharing you. And I agree. I was bored until I met the little rebel. You put life back into me after years of being jaded and bored. And I also realized that I had three best friends that I was taking for granted.”
Justin nods his head. “I agree. My life was being pulled down, and I wasn’t acting true to myself. I was conflicted over my relationship with my dad. You all believed in my talent, and I started to believe I could live a life away, without my father’s crap hanging over me. You all helped me turn it around.”
“My turn,” smiles Pierce, “Astrid, darling, I was an asshole and still am. But I want you, so I agree. You taught me not to be a bully. And if you hadn’t, I would have lost my true friends. I wouldn’t have been there for Justin or understood what Wyatt was going through, and I would have kept competing with Bryce. You’re our olive branch in a sexy form.”
Wyatt steps up. “Astrid, you mean a lot to me, to all of us. I thought life had screwed me over until I met you. I saw how you faced your challenges, and I thought, if that girl can kick ass, then why am I holding back? Your honesty made it easier for me to open up to my best friends. To finally trust someone. I love you. We all love you. And I agree that we all have to be together.”
Pierce claps his hands. “Open a bottle, and let’s make it official.”