Page 85 of Twisted Lies

“Do you tell me everything?” he asks coolly.

I lift my chin. “I would if I trusted you.”

Bryce changes the subject. “Do you know who was in your room Saturday night?”

“I’m pretty sure it was Justin,” I reply, “I’m missing a piece of paper.”

Bryce’s lips curl slightly. “I’ll speak to him and find out. Was anything else taken?”

My gaze locks with his. “I had a piece of paper, and I can’t find it.”

“That’s it?” he persists.

“Yes, that’s it.”

Bryce steps closer until he’s less than an inch in my space. His eyes soften as he looks into mine, and I feel that damn tingle again. “I’ll stop being a jerk. I’m sorry about the Pit, but that one is out of my hands. I won’t go there again if you don’t want me to. Not on those nights.”

“You can go wherever you want,” I keep the tone out of my voice. “I have no claim on you.”

“You could,” he says softly. His lips brush my forehead. “We could be a couple.”

“No, you hurt me, Bryce,” I reply harshly, “And what about Charlotte?”

“What about you?” he asks, “Do you think so little of us that you don’t even want to try?”

My face heats up, and when I pull away, he lets my hand go. I shake my head as a short laugh of disbelief escapes me. “You’re the perfect boy who owns the world. Good-looking, rich, smart; everything is going for you. You’re the prince in every fantasy. And you have the goods to back it up. I’d be insane not to want you. But realistically, I won’t be able to keep you.” I smile softly. “See, I can be honest.”

Bryce leans toward me, cupping his hand on my cheek. He closes his eyes as he kisses me sweet and gentle, nothing like that night we spent together. I pull back and stare into his eyes, wondering if he heard what was spoken through Dr. Rawlins’ door.

“Astrid, you’re the one I want,” he says, “I was nervous that night about the hold you have on me. I acted like an asshole to keep control,” he scoffs. “And you’re not even trying to own me. I can picture us as equals. I could be what I want to be if I had you. Don’t undermine yourself. As far as Stonehaven cares, any daughter of Dr. Howland is right for me.”

I step back and almost trip on the edge of the path. We’ve ended up outside the academic buildings. “I’m thoroughly confused, Bryce. I don’t know what to do.”

“That means it’s time for another date.” Bryce smiles as he walks away down the path to his building. “I’ll convince you that I’m your best pick.”

I grin softly as he turns and walks off. His blond hair gleams in the bright sun as he shoves his hands into his pockets. If I could market that confidence, we would have an empire. Now that I know I could have Bryce, should I take him?

Something flashes in my peripheral view, and I glance up at a classroom window. My gaze catches on someone looking out a second-story window. Charlotte’s gaze narrows as her mouth screws up into a scowl, and then she looks away.