Page 82 of Twisted Lies

Chapter 40


Out of everything that has happened in the last twenty-four hours, I still can’t get over what I saw at the Pit. Every bit of it keeps flashing through my mind while I try to concentrate on Getz during economics class. I stare at the whiteboard and see an image of Bryce and Pierce staring down at those oily women strutting around almost naked in the ring. Bryce definitely saw me. He started for the stairs, but I didn’t wait for him. After the way he treated me? The cash and seeing him there only confirmed what Charlotte said. He only wants me for sex.

As soon as I walk into Harmon’s class, she tells me that I’m immediately wanted in Rawlins’ office. My ass didn’t even make it into the chair. My eyes stay straight ahead as I stride out the building and follow the path to Foxworth House.

“Astrid, you’ve been avoiding me.” Bryce picks up his pace until he’s walking alongside me. He’s wearing a thick cable turtleneck under his school blazer that makes him look rough like a Monarch boy, and he needs a shave. A thrill shoots through me, ignoring the fact that I fucking hate him.

“What do you want?” I snarl.

“A smile,” he replies, “You’re prettier when you smile.”

I want to strike him so hard that it will make his head fly off and roll down the path. “Go fuck off, or go fuck one of those girls,” I hiss.

“Are you jealous, Astrid?” He’s actually grinning. “What’s that saying about the goose and the gander?” He pretends to think. “You can sample all the goods, but I can’t even look? How is that fair, Ms. Howland?”

Speechless, I stare into his eyes as his mouth beams in a wide smile. There is no way he could have known my secret except for the list.

“You broke into my room.” I jab my fingernail into his chest. “You did it.” The blood rushes to my head, and I can hear nothing but my heart beating wildly. I throw both my hands up and push Bryce off balance.

He stumbles back, his face hardening as he keeps from hitting the ground. “I didn’t break into your room!” he shouts, “What are you even talking about?”

“You know. And you wouldn’t tell me the truth anyway.” My voice cracks. “You’re a liar anyway. There are four of you, and not one of you had the balls to tell me about the Pit!” I screech like a banshee. “Who told you?”

On guard, Bryce watches me closely, confused by my over-the-top reaction. “What’s wrong with you?” he asks, “Are you really that jealous over nothing? I didn’t do anything, Astrid. With anybody.”

His look of concern is my undoing as Bryce places a gentle hand on my shoulder. “I’m sorry,” he says, “I’m sorry I upset you. I went too far.”

I shake his hand off me and rub a tear off my face with my coat sleeve. “Who told you my name?” I ask, swallowing my emotions.

Bryce doesn’t answer. Instead, he looks past me, and I follow his gaze. Dr. Rawlins stands in the doorway of Foxworth House. She steps aside, indicating that I should come to her. I pull myself together fast. Tears to Dr. Rawlins are like blood to a shark. She’ll pounce on me if she sees proof of my vulnerability. My feet feel like dead weight as I move toward the open door.

Quietly, Bryce follows alongside me, and Dr. Rawlins frowns at the two of us as we stand in front of her. I walk into the building, expecting her to stop Bryce, but he continues to follow us into her office.

Unimpressed, Dr. Rawlins watches him sit down in one of the high-back chairs as I sit down in the other. “Bryce, may I assist you?”

He takes her off-putting tone in stride. “Astrid has had a rough weekend, and I thought I might be a good friend and hold her hand.”

Dr. Rawlins and I share a questioning look. She’d like to grill me senseless but can’t. She won’t dare verbally thrash me while Bryce is sitting there watching her. “Your concern for your fellow classmate is commendable,” she says rigidly, “but perhaps you will wait in the outer office while I speak privately to Astrid.”

She’s asking his permission?

“No.” Bryce shakes his head. “I’ll stay right here. It’s okay to talk in front of me. Astrid and I share all the time about our interesting lives.”

At first, I want to wrap my arms around Bryce tightly and thank him for backing me. Dr. Rawlins would never dare say all the things that she wants to with Bryce as my witness. But then a thought flashes into my mind. What if he’s here to keep me from talking about the Pit? I shift my body in the chair so I’m farther from him.

“Fine,” Dr. Rawlins accepts Bryce’s presence with a raised brow. “Astrid, I have reasons to be concerned. Your roommate Roni Griffin has told her guidance counselor that there was an intruder in your room last night while you were both sleeping in your beds.”

Bryce ditches his above-us-all routine as he slides his body into an upright position. Bryce doesn’t conceal his concern as his hand reaches toward me, but quickly I pull farther away. He rests his hand on the armrest while I lean to the far left.

Dr. Rawlins looks at his hand, and a thin smirk plays on her lips. I told her the truth all along. I wasn’t the one chasing after him.

She continues. “A report ought to be filed, but your roommate says you’re reluctant.”

I could beat Roni up and down the campus path with my fists. That bitch told me she would keep her mouth shut. And I meant about everything. What am I supposed to say now? If I tell the truth, I’ll have to admit that Roni wasn’t in our room during curfew. The person I saw was in Roni’s bed. I know I saw someone. That huge lump under her comforter wasn’t my imagination.

I shake my head as if to clear my mixed-up thoughts. “I shouldn’t have said anything because I probably dreamt it.”