Chapter 28
“Ignoring us won’t help.” Pierce follows me along the trail as I head home from the gym.
I stash my phone in my purse and head down the trail to a spot where I can be seen. The winding path isn’t heavily wooded. It’s lit with street lamps, and the track and field team is using the four-mile route for practice.
But Pierce has a look in his eyes that makes me pick caution over bravery.
I march past him. “You got more than what I planned to give you,” I tell him, “so be happy with it.”
“The task was—” he replies.
Spinning around, I turn on him. “Fuck your stupid task. You weren’t going to let me into your club, no matter what I did. There was always going to another task.”
“You don’t know that,” he glares at me, but I’m not afraid. And never have been. What I am is fed up.
“I know that you lie,” I reply, “You told me that Wyatt was in Boston.”
“That was Justin who lied .”
I start walking away. “Same difference. You’re both pervs.”
“You’re a slut for even considering it,” he says, still following me.
“You’re just whining because the baby had a hard-on and didn’t know what to do.”
Pierce grabs for my arm, but I’m faster this time and dodge him. He smirks at me as if it’s a game. From the corner of my eye, I see the library and debate running for it.
“I’m not like Bryce or Justin,” he says, “I don’t want you in the club. You’re a dumb whore, and kids like you give Stonehaven a bad reputation by making the rest of us look stupid. If you were smart, you would just charge instead of giving it away for free.”
“And how much are you charging?” I taunt him.
He scoffs. “I don’t have to barter, unlike you.”
“Don’t try to shame me.” I point my finger at him. “You wanted it. The only people who should be ashamed of having sex are your parents for having you.”
Pierce glances around to see who’s laughing, and the kids quickly stop, but they don’t leave. The track team is enjoying the spectacle. A few more of their teammates slow down to watch and ask for an update. I don’t like being the center of attention outside of the ring, but I’ll deal if it saves me from being alone with Pierce.
I start walking again toward the library, and he’s on my heels. I walk a little faster, ignoring him. Like an asshole, he treads on the back of my shoes. Charlotte has been lending me her clothes to make me look more presentable. I was shocked when she knocked on my door with a shopping bag after our discussion. She shrugged and whispered that sisters sometimes fight, but they’ll always be sisters.
I have to stop walking when the back of my shoe comes off, and Pierce plows into me, almost knocking me to the ground. He grabs my arm to steady himself, and his fingers dig into my tender flesh. I swipe him away, and when Pierce doesn’t let go, I take aim. He ducks my punch easily. And pulls me hard against him. And I struggle against him to free my wrist.
“That’s it,” he jeers, “rub that sweet pussy all over me.”
My arm breaks free and I make contact, slapping his face, but Pierce only grins. “I’m too strong to fight. Physically and mentally.”
“Hey, you asshole, leave her alone!” Terri is marching toward us. His expression is drawn, and his fists are clenched as he stomps unsteadily up the incline. My heart pounds as I watch him, but Pierce’s grin grows wider. Breathing heavily, Terri tosses his backpack on the ground. He’s as tall as Pierce, but the kid’s shaped like a stickman. Pierce can and probably has beaten his ass before.
“Aww, it’s your friend.” Pierce shakes my wrist. “Coming to help. Let’s see what he can do.”
“No, leave him alone,” I hiss under my breath, “This is between us.”
Pierce watches my face, seeing the concern in my eyes. And he’s zeroed in on my weakness. I’ll take a heap of shit, but I won’t stand by and watch a friend or my mother be abused.
Pierce looks back at Terri, who’s taken off his glasses and rested them carefully on his backpack.
“Let go of me,” I snarl.