I scowl at Bryce. “I’m a member if I do this?”
Bryce sits up on the edge of the bed. “If you complete your task to my satisfaction, then I’ll approve your membership.”
“And I get to keep all the money I make?” I ask, “You’re not going to ask for half?”
He shakes his head. “No, whatever you make is yours.”
It doesn’t feel right to offer myself as a trade, but Mom and I will have what we need if I have my own money. One day, I’ll be too old for the Pit. Mom won’t have to worry about me working a shit job and ending up on disability and painkillers like her. And just a fraction of what these rich boys have will keep my mom and me from disappearing into the system.
“Not at the same time.” I look at Bryce. “And they can’t watch us.”
Pierce scoffs, and Bryce raises his hand when he starts to argue.
“That’s odd,” I turn on Pierce. “You didn’t want to debase yourself by touching me. Debase. D-E-B-A-S-E.”
Pierce doesn’t care for the spelling bee and holds his lips tight. He sneers like he could not care less, but if Pierce didn’t care, he’d have left the room.
I gaze at the door, hoping it will open. “Where is Wyatt? Is he included?” I ask.
“Wyatt left for a few days,” answers Justin, “His mom is visiting Boston, so he went to see her.”
My heart takes a dive. I would’ve picked Wyatt and stayed with him for the entire night. I swear it will only happen once with the rest of them, and Mom and I won’t ever have to worry again about money. I might lose Wyatt, but it’s my mom.
“There have to be rules,” I state clearly, “Contrary to what you might think, I don’t share. One at a time in the bathroom, and you only get four minutes.”
“Four minutes.” Bryce shakes his head.
I step closer, so my legs are next to his. “You need longer?”
Glaring, Bryce gets up from the bed. “Watch the door, Justin. If the proctor walks by, keep him out.”
Justin smirks, but he doesn’t lock the door as Bryce pulls me into the bathroom. I mean to ask, but soon I’m distracted. “It’s private,” I say out loud. I look at the opposite wall, and the connecting door into the next room is missing. I continue to look around the bathroom, which Wyatt keeps surprisingly clean. I walk over to the sink and pick up his face cleanser, reading the label. I want to place it under my nose and sniff. But Bryce watches me with interest. Maybe they picked Wyatt’s room for a reason. Maybe trying to fuck me here is his way of getting one up on Wyatt.
“When do we start the clock?” I ask.
Bryce smiles. He’s up to no good. “You can keep count.”
I nod, forming a plan in my head. He never hangs out with girls. I’ve seen Charlotte Howland hanging on him a few times, but he snubs her. He checked out Nova, but she’ll never have him, and she told me that. I figure Bryce probably hasn’t had sex in a long time. I know some hand tricks to make him cum prematurely, and then I’m gone. The other two can yank themselves off.
“Okay,” I turn around to face him. “Starting now.”
He watches my fingers as I slide each button open on my shirt. Bryce stares as I pull one sleeve off my shoulder then the other. I let my shirt fall to the ground then step closer. He places his hand on my breast, gently squeezing it through the cup. I bite my lip and moan suggestively as he gazes into my eyes.
“I’m going to frame those panties,” he whispers.
“You swear I’m in the club.” My voice cracks as he slides his fingers under the cotton cup. I let him feel my bare skin with his fingertips as his breathing becomes noticeable. My nipple starts to tighten, and I push his hand away.
“Am I in?” I persist.
“I’ll vote you in.” He places his mouth against my bare shoulder, and I’m trying not to become aroused. “Is that all you’re thinking about, Astrid?”
He tugs me tight against his hard form, and I squirm against the bulge in his pants. What would it be like with Bryce Shelton when he’s wrapped in nothing but a towel? I’ve noticed that ripped body of his. If Bryce knew how to fight, he could do some damage in the Pit.
“Last summer, I wanted to bend you over a table.” He pulls my bra strap off my shoulder, slowly sliding it down my arm until he exposes my hard nipple. “We all did, Astrid. But I told them you are mine.”
His mouth presses against my nipple, and his tongue draws slow circles over my skin until it aches to be sucked. Fuck, he’s turning me on, and I can’t lose control. This time, I’m the one with the advantage. He’s just some frustrated rich boy. I squirm again, and Bryce presses my body hard against the counter with his hips.
His cheeks are flushed, and his rosy lips are moist with spit. He takes my hand and guides it along the bulge in his trousers. My eyes widen. He’s so thick.