Page 45 of Hateful Lies

Chapter 23


I decide to use my winnings to pay off Bryce so I won’t have to take Wyatt’s money. It doesn’t sit well with me to steal from him. None of it does. Many times I want to look for him and tell him what Pierce said, but I don’t. How can I tell Wyatt without pissing him off? I’d have to tell him that they know he’s Mask. Then what if he accuses me of squealing? And then he would be furious when I told him about the money.

No, my plan is better. I’ll count Wyatt’s money and then use mine to pay Bryce the difference, and then no one will know.

After school, I watch Wyatt leave the gym and head in the direction of the boys’ dorm. There are several dorms on campus, and Wyatt and the boys stay in the senior boys’ dorm with single rooms. I haven’t been inside before, but Pierce says it’s the same setup as the girls’ dorm, meaning I can go through the basement. I give Wyatt a lead, and then I follow slowly after him.

There’s an old broomstick propping the basement door open in the back of the dorm. Who knows who left it there? Probably Pierce. I slip inside after kicking the stick out and hurry upstairs using the back stairwell. Wyatt’s room is on the top floor at the far end of the hallway, opposite the stairs. I wait by the exit door until the voices disappear, and slowly I open the door, peering into the empty hallway. There are six doors, three on each side. The rooms must be huge inside. Tiptoeing, I pass each door, only hesitating when I hear a sound, but no one comes out into the hallway. I’m sure I’m not supposed to be in here.

A brass number six is nailed to the last door, which is slightly open, just like Pierce said. With sweaty hands, I slowly push the door open; my stomach twists, and then I feel a little nauseous as I creep into the room. I’ve never broken into someone’s home before to steal anything. But these boys probably think I do it all the time.

Wyatt’s dorm room is empty, and the door to the bathroom is shut. I tiptoe over as if I’m walking across slick ice, and then I hold my breath until I’m almost dizzy. I listen, but no water is running. I take a step back, wondering if I took a detour. If Wyatt walks in, I’ll just tell him the truth.

Looking around, his room is minimal except for a collection of old photos in heavy silver frames on a wooden bookshelf. I pick up one photo and admire the dark-haired woman holding a rosy-cheeked baby. Her pale skin contrasts sharply with her dark eyes, and her broad smile is kind and inviting. The baby looks like a newborn, and I wonder if it’s Wyatt. I don’t know much about his family. I just know I like him. I put the photo back then run my hand along his desk where he keeps his laptop and books. I peek at his scratchy handwriting in his notebook. Maybe I should just wait for Wyatt outside?

But if Bryce figures out that I’ve lied, it somehow will be worse. How did I get tangled up with that dominating bastard? I enrolled in Stonehaven.

Waiting to be caught isn’t the wisest plan. At least I should check. I hurry over to the closet and open the door carefully, hoping the hinges won’t creak. There are two duffel bags on the top shelf, and I recognize his gym bag, so it must be the navy one with the leather straps. Using both hands, I take it down gradually, but it feels too light. Inside, there’s no money, just a few dress shirts I doubt he wears. I don’t understand. Maybe it is the gym bag? I shove the navy bag back and lift the other one over my head, lowering it gently. But there’s nothing in it except for his Nikes.

The door creaks behind me, interrupting the quiet, and I freeze and listen. Someone in the hallway says, “She’s in there.”

I don’t have enough time to hide inside the closet before Bryce walks into the room with Justin. Quickly, I move toward the bathroom door, but Pierce steps out and blocks my path. I look behind him, but the bathroom is empty, and there’s no water or steam.

“Where’s Wyatt?” I ask, “I know it’s his room.”

“Naughty girl,” Justin shuts the hallway door and stands in front of it. “It’s against the rules to be in the boys’ dorm above the first floor. It’s in the student handbook.”

“She probably didn’t read it,” laughs Pierce, “She’s waiting for the movie.”

I walk quickly to the door, but Justin won’t move out of my way.

“There’s no money in here,” I tell Bryce and ignore the other two, “And where’s Wyatt?”

Bryce lies down on the bed with his shoes on. “He’s probably at the bank, making a deposit,” he replies listlessly, “You should’ve come yesterday.”

“I was only told yesterday!” I almost shout.

Pierce shrugs his shoulders and smiles. “We have another task instead. One that you’ll probably find easier to do. And enjoy.”

Bad morphs into worse, and it’s obvious I’ve been tricked. I move to the center of the room and watch them cautiously. “What task?” I ask.

Pierce smirks as he steps closer. His tall frame towers over mine. “We’ll approve you for the club if you have sex with all of us.”

“No way,” I shake my head furiously, “You’ll film it and then call me a slut.”

Bryce folds his arms behind his head, appearing relaxed with the conversation. “Interesting,” he says, “that you didn’t say no for a different reason.”

“I was…” I stammer.

“But what?” He glances at me.

I shake my head, thinking they’re only taunting me. “I’m not going to.”

“What’s sex among friends?” asks Bryce, “We’re consenting adults. Unless you’re concerned about your virginity.”

They laugh, but I scowl. Lost virginity. What a concept. Being prized in a relationship only because you haven’t fucked yet. I’ve already let Bryce touch me, but there’s no way I will touch the other two. Maybe I won’t have to. Bryce isn’t the sharing kind. I don’t like it, but I’m already committed to getting in.