Page 40 of Hateful Lies

Chapter 20


Being back at the Pit feels like diving into a cool pool on a blazing hot summer day. Back where I belong and where I know the rules of engagement. Nova and I have no problem getting past Teeny. She flirts with him for old times’ sake, but our status has changed. We’re employees now, with our names permanently on the list.

She gives Teeny a delicious smile as he opens the door for us. “Thank you, sweetie,” she purrs.

“Are you fighting tonight?” He stares earnestly into her eyes.

“Not tonight, sweetie.” Nova twists her body in a sexy pose. “But when I do, I’ll dedicate that win to you.”

We try to strut through the packed warehouse but can barely squeeze by the people toward the makeshift bar. We both stop in our tracks and gawk. The bar at the far left, near the foreman’s office, has been replaced with an actual bar. Just last weekend, for a beer, you had to line up in front of some guy with a keg. A few plastic milk carts on the ground provided a barricade between him and us, and a girl with thin arms and inked sleeves held onto the cash box and made change. It’s all gone, replaced with a counter made of black laminated wood and four taps. The choices are still beer and vodka, but people can place their cash on a counter.

“What the fuck?” says Nova, staring. “When did this happen?”

She’s not interested in my speculation as she steps into the line. The guy pouring drinks glances up and sees us waiting. He motions to the skinny girl, and she waves us to the front of the line. He places two red cups on the counter, and when we try to pay, he waves us off. Nova leaves a dollar in his Red Sox’s cap, and we hurry off past the long line.

“The neighborhood up in here is changing,” she mutters.

I sip from my cup as I scan the warehouse for more changes, and I spy a major one. Bryce is on the catwalk, standing next to Grinder. Sure, he was hanging out there before, but now, he’s deep in conversation with Grinder. Bryce isn’t hanging back respectfully as he points his finger, and Grinder grimly listens. I look around for Justin and Pierce, knowing they have to be close by. But I don’t see them. I glance over at the shadowy glass.

Grinder spots Nova and me below. He says something to Bryce, and Bryce instantly makes eye contact. I’m mortified that he saw me looking up at him like some peasant begging the king for a scrap off his table. Grinder motions us toward the stairs leading up, and that’s when I see Pierce and Justin also looking down.

I tug Nova’s elbow. “They want us up there,”

Nova looks at them and curls her lips. “Looks like your people.”

I look at her disapproving pout. “What’s that mean?”

“Don’t you go to school with those kids?” she states in a sweetly sarcastic tone.

We never talk much about the change. But I sense the resentment from my old friends. It’s not jealousy. I’m not better than them, but I’m being treated differently—the easy access, the free beer, and rubbing shoulders with the rich kids. The special treatment won’t go to my head because I know where I’ll end up. I still belong with the Monarch crowd.

We climb up the steel stairs as Bryce watches us from the corner of his eye. Tight-lipped, Nova struts over toward the other side of Grinder and leans against the railing, avoiding eye contact with the rich boys the whole time. Pierce looks her over like he’s considering her, but she’ll toss him off the catwalk if he even tries to place a curious hand on her ass. I move forward to join Nova, but Bryce catches my arm.

His smile is so fake. “I want you on the couch. Please.”

“Only because you said please,” I reply coldly.

Bryce doesn’t respond. I know what he expects, and tonight, I decide to obey. I flop down on the couch, and Nova watches me. She decides to follow, and we sit side by side. Bryce walks over, oozing charm, and sits down in between us. He drapes his arms over the back of the couch like he owns us, and a spike of hate shoots through me.

“Nova? Right?” He holds out his hand, and she glances at his palm as if a fly has landed on it.

She touches his hand lightly, not wholly dissing him. “Yes, I’m Nova.”

“I’m Bryce Shelton…” For a moment, I cringe, but he doesn’t say from where. “And I’ve wanted to meet you.”

Nova flicks her eyes over him, taking an interest in the apparent flattery. “I’m always here Saturday and Sunday. You only need to look.”

“Well, I’m glad I did.” His gaze works its way up Nova’s body from her muscled legs to her full breasts. I twitch next to him, wondering if I’m feeling protective of my friend or jealous. Bryce’s gaze finally lands on Nova’s face, and I can tell by the set of her mouth, she wants to slap him.

“You know what?” she says, “I’m going to watch the fight from far over there.”

Nova stands up, but Bryce wraps his arm around her shoulders and pulls her to his side. Grinder glances over and then turns away, focusing on the spectacle below.

“I want to talk to you.” Bryce leans his mouth near her ear. “I want you to make some serious cash.”

Nova stops struggling against his grip, and her expression softens as she considers listening to the jerk. Bryce looks at Grinder, who’s pretending to ignore us. “Clear the view,” Bryce raises his voice, “so the ladies can see.”