“My pleasure, ma’am.” He smiles back at her. “And don’t worry about the check, it’s the least we can do to say thank you to Mr. Pierce for his selfless service. If we can be of further service, please let Mindy know and she’ll take care of it for you.”
Mom is clearly surprised, but she thanks him and lets him go. I don’t bother to hide how uncomfortable that makes me feel. I don’t require special treatment. I didn’t join the military to get free food, I joined it because I wanted to serve and protect my country. Maybe it’s stupid, but I bought into all the advertisements, telling me to be the best I could be. It was a fairy tale, a dream that I could be this big hero and have war stories to tell my grandkids. The truth is completely different. I’m just an average guy, just like they are. I’m not even the same Matthew that they knew before. If they knew how broken I am and how damaged the ordeal left me, the last thing they’d be doing is celebrating my “selfless service”.
Putting my head down, I notice Mom frowning at me. I don’t bother asking her what’s wrong, because I’m pretty sure I know the answer. She doesn’t like how antsy I’ve been tonight, how unfriendly and almost cold I am to old friends. I hope she doesn’t say anything, I hope she understands and just lets it slide…. But she doesn’t. Of course she doesn’t. She has to bring it up and in the most infuriating way possible.
“Matty, are you sure you’re okay?” She reaches across the table and tentatively touches my hand. “Maybe you should talk to someone, you know, like a professional who can help you work through all of this.”
“You mean a shrink?” I gape at her, trying not to lose my temper.
She wants me to see a shrink? Hell no. I’m don’t need someone to analyze my brain and tell me I’ve got post traumatic stress disorder.
“No, not a shrink, a counselor. Someone who is qualified to help you cope with what happened to you over there. Lots of soldiers need—”
“Just stop,” I summon up all my patience. I take hold of her hand and give it a gentle squeeze. “I’m just tired tonight. Still jet lagged, still getting used to being home. I’m fine, I promise.”
She looks a little wary, so I give her a roguish grin, knowing she can never resist it. Rolling her eyes, she shakes her head at me, smiling back. “Okay, I’m sorry for being so jumpy. I just worry about you is all.”
I squeeze her hand again. “I know, thanks for worrying, but you really don’t have to.”
She chuckles. “Matty, that’s like telling the sun not to shine. I’m your mother, I’m always going to worry.”
I don’t let her see how relieved I am that she let that go. I have to be careful here, I can’t do anything that might upset her. There’s nothing more dangerous than a mother that cares too much. She might mean well, but her meddling isn’t going to help. I know she’ll figure that out.
Now that I’m finished eating all I can think about is heading home and flopping down on the couch, until I remember that I’m sharing the space with Piper. Part of me really hopes she’s working late tonight. The sensible part tells me it’s better if we don’t see much of each other. The distance might be unpleasant, but it’ll be better in the long run. I’m convinced of that.
Still… some small piece of me wants her to be there waiting for me.