Epilogue – Julia

One Year Later

Edwardand I strolled arm in arm down Columbus Avenue toward the best restaurant in all of San Francisco – Armani’s Italiano Ristorante. The steep incline of the street required Eddie’s extra muscle at the helm of our baby’s ornate carriage. He was one doting proud papa! It was a glorious Sunday afternoon with an autumn chill in the air and a blustery breeze that swirled the colorful fall leaves across the sidewalk in front of us.

The lively North Beach neighborhood was like a lovely little hive humming with activity that had a way of capturing the senses of anyone who took the time to stop and appreciate it. There was wonderful classical music coming from the small chamber orchestra in the park, families were out and about and, as usual, the sublime aroma coming from the Italian bakeries was almost enough to actually add inches onto our waistlines.

And there it was: At the bottom of the hill the San Francisco Bay sparkled in the sun like a rare gem.

“Oh Edward look! Doesn’t the bay look extra lovely today! It’s so beautiful!”

“Yep. I never grow tired of looking at it. Especially with you Julia. What a gorgeous city we live in!”

Cousin Anthony greeted us at the door of the restaurant with his usual warm bear hug. Both men shouted “Paisano!” ; The Italian way of calling each other brother.

“Great to see you two again! C’mon in! Lemme see that beautiful baby of yours!”

Anthony carefully picked up our infant daughter out of her carriage like the gentle giant that he was.

“Hi sweet little Alenna……you’re just as pretty as your mommy…..you know that? Yes you are…..come to your Cousin Tony now little one……

Tony carried Alenna out to the patio table where Michael and Nigel were already seated, bouncing her as he walked.

“There’s my gorgeous niece! Are you looking for your Uncle Michael cutie pie? Here I am……..I’ll take her……thanks Anthony. Hi Alenna! How’s my little Alenna? Hey I just thought of something! Doesn’t Edward have a boat named The Alenna?”

“That’s right little brother. And someday Michael, when Nina is old enough, her mom and I will explain exactly why she was named after an Italian guy’s boat!”

Everyone laughed except for Michael, he just gave me a fake look of disgust and then smiled.

Edward and I sat down with the guys as Tony left and quickly returned with a bottle of Armani Napa Merlot and four glasses.

“None for me thank you Tony. I’m still breastfeeding. I’ll just have some Pellegrino mineral water please.”

“Coming right up Julia!”

Nigel tickled Alenna under her chin trying to get a laugh out of her, but got no response as usual.

“Cootchie cootchie coo you little sweetheart…....….what’s wrong with this child? Still nothing? Not even a smile for your Uncle Nigel?”

Edward chimed in on the matter.

“Give her time Nigel. Not everyone gets your British humor right off the bat!”

“I suppose you’re right Edward. Half of it still goes right over YOUR head after all these years!”

Anthony returned with my bottle of sparkling water and poured some into my wine glass.

“So are we celebrating anything particular today Paisano? Besides the customary celebration of the good life?”

“Nigel and I were also wondering what this was about. Julia has been awfully close-mouthed about it. Haven’t you Sis?”

“Well Edward and I do have some exciting news that we would like to share with everybody today….. before we order our food.”

Anthony shouted out, “Oh my God there’s another baby Armani on the way!”

Naturally I was forced to set him straight:

“Tony? What are you crazy? We’re having way too much fun with Alenna to even consider such a thing. What do I look like anyway? A baby-making machine?”