
Edward was persistent. I had to give him that. Over the course of a few weeks he had left hundreds of voice mail messages and texts. But I refused to read or listen to any of them. I simply deleted them each day. He apparently had no idea where I was. Michael and I had gone to stay at Uncle Avery’s for a bit until some of the media attention died down. That made our uncle very happy since he’d been wanting to spend some time with his favorite niece and nephew.

I had also gotten a new phone since I destroyed my last one in a huge fit of anger. I was so tempted to get a new number but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. It would’ve been way too much work notifying the hundreds of contacts in my directory. Instead I chose to mute my phone for most of the day and night to avoid the constant ringing, buzzing and general annoyance.

Besides the relentless messaging, once we’d returned back to our apartment I’d occasionally catch a glimpse of Edward slowly driving back and forth in one of his sports cars, wearing sunglasses and a hat as a disguise. One time he even had a fake moustache! Like I wouldn’t recognize him! Moron! Truthfully, there were days when I felt my resolve weakening and I’d start really missing him. But then all I had to do was close my eyes and flashback to the mental picture I had of those three horrible women with Edward and I could count on all the pain and humiliation to come flooding back again.

The most surprising thing to me was Michael’s attitude though. I would never have guessed he would have fought so hard to get me to give Edward a second chance. In fact, he thought I was being downright silly and obstinate for not at least giving him an opportunity to explain what happened that night. Deep down I kinda knew he was right. But I was scared of being hurt some more. Besides, I felt as though I needed to retain some shred of dignity and pride. I had a hunch Michael was becoming quite worried about me and he proved it by giving me another brotherly lecture before he left for work:

“Julia don’t you think you should at least get out of the house a little bit? How long do you plan on isolating yourself like this? You’re like a hermit.”

“I know it’s weird Michael but this is what feels comfortable to me right now.”

“I think you need to try to move forward with your life. Since you seem dead set on starting your life over, without Edward, at the very least you need some closure. And how can you get that if you don’t at least sit down and have a conversation with the guy?”

“You’re probably right Michael but the thought of facing him after that betrayal is just too much to bear.”

“But you still don’t know exactly what happened. Maybe he didn’t betray you at all. What about that possibility? Julia I gotta say I have never seen any man look at a woman the way that Edward looked at you. He adores you. And I keep thinking back at how he refused to take a swing at me that night. Any other guy would have cleaned my clock, I guarantee it.”

“I hear what you’re saying Michael and it all makes sense. I just still feel so confused about everything… that’s all. Besides, we messed our marriage deadline. When I left, he lost out on his entire inheritance. His stupid wandering dick cost him a billion freaking dollars! How can Edward not be pissed about that?”

“Maybe he is but how will you know if you never talk to him?”

We were both suddenly caught off guard by the doorbell ringing. Neither one of us was expecting company so Michael peeked out the window to see who it might be.

“Hey I see a florist van out in front of the complex. Looks like someone is trying to apologize by sending flowers. I’m surprised it took him so long to do that.”

“Oh he’s tried several times this week. I just refused to answer the door that’s all.”

“Well I’m here now Julia and I’m gonna open the door this time.”

Before I could stop my brother, he opened the front door to accept the flowers from the delivery guy. And there stood Edward smiling with a huge bouquet of long stem red roses.

“Flowers for Miss Julia Jones…..”

“Edward! How did you get that uniform?...... and that truck?”

“It’s not exactly difficult to find a delivery boy willing to take a cash bribe and a chance to relax for a few hours! The real challenge was squeezing into these tight coveralls. I think I tore the crotch!”

I couldn’t keep from laughing. Edward looked pretty funny with his obviously too small pants hiked up into his ass crack and the sleeves four inches too short for his arms. I also had to admit he looked pretty adorable. I really did miss him. But this was exactly what I was afraid of; Him showing up and melting my heart. I needed to think clearly which was very hard to do with that incredibly handsome man standing right there in front of me.

“By the way Michael thanks for opening the door for me man. I owe you one buddy.”

“You don’t owe me anything. I’m the one who owes you an apology for throwing a punch.”

“Forget about it Michael!”

Edward looked intently at me and pleaded with his words and eyes: “May I come in Julia? Please?”

There was no escaping it: My heart had been softened. I wanted Edward to come in. I invited him into the house and directed him to sit down on the sofa while I put the roses in some water. But no sooner had I got to the kitchen sink, that’s when I felt his wonderfully familiar strong arms embrace me from behind and his hands rest softly on my tummy.

“Julia… our baby! It’s incredible! I can’t believe it! How are you feeling? God I’ve missed you so much…” He started kissing my neck and shoulders and it sent shivers down to my toes.

I turned and looked up Edward. It felt like old times. And it felt right. Something deep inside told me that somehow everything was going to be okay between us.

“I feel fine. Much better…. now that you’re here. I’ve missed you too Edward. And about our baby……we conceived it on the boat you know…”

“I can’t believe it! Our baby was made on our sailboat! That’s the best news I’ve heard yet!”