
What the fuck happened? That’s what I wanted to know. How could I go from being the absolute happiest man in the entire world to the saddest, most down and out pathetic wretch on the planet? OVERNIGHT??!!

It was only 11 in the morning but I was already nursing a Scotch out on the terrace. My brain was overwhelmed with a million questions, playing various scenarios over and over again and searching for the answers. But clear concentration was beyond my grasp while my heart ached with immense grief over the loss of Julia and, according to all news sources, our baby. Our baby for Christ’s sake! That’s what she was probably coming up to tell me about last night……and instead she got………Fuck! She must have been completely destroyed! I didn’t deserve to live!

Nigel came out and offered his unconditional help as usual. I had already talked his empathetic ear off for a good part of last night. Besides his many other talents he was an excellent listener. He usually laughed it off as being “part of his job” but I knew better. His brand of compassion and wisdom was second to none.

“Edward I’m certain this will all be ironed out sooner or later. The truth will come to light eventually. Julia is an intelligent woman and she loves you.”

“Correction Nigel. Loved. She loved me – past tense. But not anymore. She must totally hate me now. And I don’t blame her. Getting involved with me was the worst thing she could have done. I can’t stand the fact that she is out there somewhere thinking that I would betray her like that. My heart breaks for her when I imagine her pain.”

“Edward really? Worse thing she could have done? Being with you? You’re obviously not thinking clearly. You were the best thing that could have happened to each other. No question. And I’m confident that your world will right itself.”

“How can you be so fucking certain about everything all the time Nigel? I wish I could be. She’ll never believe my side of this!”

“My optimism has always served me well. I believe in justice. I believe love conquers all. And I believe in the truth. Those three things have always prevailed and they will this time too. You’ll see. I promise.”

“What should I do in the meantime? Julia won’t answer the phone and neither will Michael. And I’m sure neither one will answer the door if I go over to their apartment. Meanwhile our days are numbered for that wedding deadline. Time is quickly running out on my inheritance Nigel.”

“I think you need to first focus your mind and figure out who set you up with those three women. Once you solve that, you will have concrete evidence to take to Julia. Think back to last night Edward and try to retrace your footsteps back through the entire evening. Were there any guests in attendance who had a motive to do such a thing?”

“The only person I can think of was Michael. Maybe he was just pretending to like me? I prefer to believe that isn’t true.”

“Well what made you leave the party in the first place? What was so important up in your office?”

“I was going up there to get more prospectus brochures for our stockholders and potential investors. The information table was already empty. You know what? That was kind of suspicious……”

“What’s that?”

“Well this supposedly wealthy odd-looking guy at the party was hell-bent on getting his hands on one of those pamphlets immediately but they were all gone from the table.”

“Do you remember approximately how many had been put out earlier?”

“Probably around 150.”

“And how many guests were at the party?”

“Maybe 200.”

“Does that sound logical that seventy-five percent of the guests took a brochure that was full of information that most of them already knew?”

“No that doesn’t make sense at all.”

“I think you have the starting point for your investigation…….”

“You’re right I do! Now what was that weird guy’s name again? Wakeman? No! Wakefield! Maximillian Wakefield!”

“There you go! I’ll bet by the end of the day you’ll have it all figured out. Those women were paid for and there’s got be a money trail leading to someone. Somebody has dirty hands.”

“You better believe there is Nigel and I’m gonna find it! I’m going down to the office right now and dig around until I do. And then watch out! Heads are gonna roll!”

“Good-luck Edward. I knew you would figure it out!”

“As always Nigel, I wouldn’t have without your help. Thank you so much! I’ll see you tonight!”

I raced down to the Armani Building and flew into the parking structure. All four of my Porsche’s tires literally left the ground as I came off the ramp! And within five minutes I was already seated at my desk scouring files and other online sources for clues.

The first thing I discovered was there was no Maximillian Wakefield in any business directory. The next thing I unearthed was a $5,000 payment made to a corporation called “Girls-Girls-Girls! Inc.” three days before the party on my own damn credit card. Fuck! Could it be true? My own money was used to set me up?! I was livid! I zoomed in on the signature…….an obvious forgery signed with a distinctly thick pen. I immediately recognized it as the line created by a fountain pen… The sort my Grandfather used to use when I was a child. It was in neither my handwriting nor my accountant’s.