“And here’s to Nonno for ensuring that Julia married Edward!”

This time we did not clink our glasses together. Nor did we take a drink. Edward and I just stared at Nigel with our mouths hanging open.

“Excuse me? Ensuring Julia married me? What the fuck Nigel?”

“Yeah Nigel……what in the world are you talking about? I didn’t exactly have a gun to my back.”

“Well surely you two didn’t think he only steered you together for business reasons? Who do you think he had in mind when he added that codicil to his will? Smokey the Bear?”

Edward and I looked at each other in shock. I guess it never had occurred to either one of us. But it made complete sense now that Nigel said it.

“Are you saying my grandfather was playing matchmaker the whole time?”

“I thought it was obvious!” Nigel swigged down the rest of his martini in one gulp and laughed at us.

For a short minute I wondered if Edward was going to be pissed-off again at the thought of being duped once more by his grandfather. It certainly would’ve been understandable. I mean, how much deceit can a guy take in one day? But instead I got a pleasant surprise when he simply shook his head in disbelief and his killer smile spread across his boyish face. Then he raised his glass to me:

“Here’s to my Nonno, the most brilliant man I ever knew! I will be forever in his debt!”

I raised my tea cup back to Edward:

“Amen! I’ll drink to that!”