“No thank you Nigel. I’m fine. We’re trying to have a baby, so I won’t be drinking for a while.”

“Quite right…” he replied, leaving the room to give us privacy.

Of course… I had a feeling he was hovering somewhere in an adjacent room within earshot.

Edward and I looked at each other awkwardly, each not knowing which one of us should begin first. To my surprise Edward set down his drink, scooted over next to me and took both of my hands in his. His eyes were sad and soulful; definitely full of sorrow and regret. But I honestly couldn’t tell what he was going to say. Was he going to give me the “Sorry things didn’t work out better between us” speech or the “Sorry I’ve been such a big jerk” speech. I wished I could read people better; Like Nigel. I felt my stomach churn as I waited for Edward to speak.

“Julia. I don’t know what to say……….”

Oh my God! I wished he would just come out with it already! But I waited patiently in silence. Edward looked down for a moment and swallowed hard before continuing.

“Julia can you find it in your heart to ever forgive me? I’m so sorry that I hurt you.”

The ‘big jerk’ speech! Yes! What a tremendous relief! I threw my arms around him and hugged him like it was the end of the world.

“Edward of course I forgive you! Can you ever forgive me? I never meant to hurt you either.”

“I understand all that now Julia. I know you and Nonno were only trying to help me be the best person I could be, so I could be worthy of all that he wanted to give me.”

“But I’m still sorry I kept the whole thing a secret from you for so long. I should have said something once our engagement became real. It showed a lack of intimacy and trust on my part, and there is absolutely no excuse for that.”

“Well I can easily see why you would be afraid to tell me. Perhaps if my ego wasn’t so huge…”

“And I can easily see why you would feel betrayed and confused Edward. And shocked! That was a pretty big bomb I dropped.”

Nigel suddenly popped back into the living room with a smile.

“Sounds like everything is back to normal in here. If I can’t interest you in a martini, perhaps you would like some tea Miss Julia?”

“Actually I would. That sounds wonderful. Thank you Nigel.”

“My pleasure Miss.”

Nigel poured a cup of tea and brought it over to the couch. Now I had a special request for him:

“Nigel will you do me a favor please?”

“Anything for you Miss Julia.”

“Will you please fix a drink for yourself and join us in toasting Edward’s grandfather?”

“Great idea Julia! Please join us Nigel! We insist!”

“Well since you’re both twisting my arms……”

Nigel went back over to the bar and shook up a martini for himself before settling into a chair next to us. The three of us raised our glasses in the air. My teacup looked out of place against the two perfectly balanced martini glasses as we looked up to the heavens for our toast to Nonno. Edward began the salute:

“Here’s to you Nonno! Thanks for knowing what’s best for me!”

We all clinked our glasses and said, “Cheers!” before sipping our drinks.

Then I chimed in:

“And here’s to Nonno for ensuring I got the job as Edward’s publicist!”

Again we brought our glasses together and hollered, “Here here!” before taking a taking another taste.

Finally, Nigel added his part of the toast: