
Well that was that. I was pretty sure it was all over. Edward was clearly very hurt and very angry. It seemed I had done irreparable damage to our relationship by telling him the truth. But I didn’t have a choice. I knew I had to do it since he was going to find out sooner or later. It was just a matter of time. There was simply too much incriminating evidence waiting to be found. I needed to come clean.

I didn’t feel like going home yet, so wandered around the Ferry Building for a while. The rain had stopped so I walked outside to the Embarcadero and sat on a damp waterfront bench with a couple of noisy seagulls while I stared out at the bay. There were a couple of sailboats out on the water, which reminded me of the incredibly romantic sailing weekend we had and caused me to tear up. I decided I might as well just head for home.

When I walked into the house I couldn’t help but wonder if it even was still my home. I plopped down on the living room sofa and the water works started all over again. Nigel heard my sniffling and instantly came in to see if he could be of some help.

“I don’t know how much longer I’ll be living here Nigel. Edward’s pretty mad at me.”

“Did he finally discover the secret you and his grandfather shared Miss Julia?”

I was floored by Nigel’s question. You could’ve knocked me over with a feather.

“You know about all that Nigel?”

“Of course. A wise butler always knows everything…….”

“Wow. I don’t know what to say. So you knew but you didn’t say anything to Edward.”

“As his butler, my job is to serve him. As his friend, my job is to look after him. There’s a distinct difference, but as both his butler and his friend… I believe you’re the best thing that ever happened to that man, Julia Jones.”

“You’re amazing Nigel…… you know that?”

“Right back at you Miss Julia. I know you’ve only had Edward’s best interest at heart this whole time. As did his grandfather… We’ve all been working for a common cause. And trust me……Edward will realize that before he even walks through the door tonight. In fact, I’ll bet he comes home early to apologize to you. You’ll see.”

“I wish I could be as sure about that as you are Nigel. If you could have seen his face…..he was so hurt.”

“But he’s grown quite a bit in the past few weeks Miss Julia, in no small part due to you. It’s not going to take him long to figure this one out.”

“And if he doesn’t?” I asked quietly.

“A good butler knows when to hit someone upside his stupid head.”

“Thanks so much Nigel. You always know just the right thing to say to comfort me.”

Nigel kissed me on the top of my head.

“If I may take the liberty Miss Julia, you have always felt somewhat like a daughter to me.”

“Awww I think I’m gonna cry again…..”

“And I think I hear Edward’s car coming up the driveway already. Right on schedule.”

“Oh my God Nigel that is him! That’s his car! You’re amazing!”

“Miss Julia, may I suggest you dry your eyes and go freshen up. You need to stand firm on this. You’ve done nothing wrong. There’s no reason for you to keep apologizing about it.”

“Okay…..Yes you’re right. Stall him if you need to Nigel. I’ll be back out in a couple minutes.”

“Will do! Don’t worry. Everything’s going to be fine Miss.”

“I don’t know what I’d do without you Nigel!”

I ran into the master bathroom and looked in the mirror. Yikes! Nigel was right again. I did not look like a strong woman. I looked like a forlorn little girl. I splashed water on my face, tidied up my mascara and combed my hair. Much better! I heard the garage door open and shortly after, the sound of muffled voices as Edward greeted Nigel in the entryway. Time for me to go face the music….

When I came out Edward was already sitting on the sofa with his necktie off and Nigel was handing him a martini. I took a seat on the opposite end of the couch.

“Would you like a drink Miss Julia?”