Michael and I gave each other a very lukewarm hug and went our separate ways. We were heading in different directions and evidently so were our lives.

The cable car grinded up the hill on California Street with my Uncle Avery at the helm. He pulled on the large brake handle with his gloved hands and brought it to a stop right in front of me. He was extremely proud to be a San Francisco Cable Car Gripman and he had the best smile in the world.

I climbed on and gave my favorite uncle a peck on the cheek. He gave me a giant bear hug and I took a seat on the wooden bench closest to him.

“My my Julia you are as pretty as ever!”

“And your arms are as big as ever Uncle!”

“Where is that skinny little brother of yours?”

“He’s rehearsing with his band. He said to tell you hi.”

“Aw that’s nice. You kids are so lucky to have each other. Are you two still sharing that apartment together over on Parkview?”

“Yep…… we’re still there.”

“Well why don’t you invite your old uncle over for dinner sometime? Before one of you runs off and gets married or something?”

I didn’t have the heart to tell him I had just accepted a pretend marriage proposal that morning. How would I explain the circumstances of it? The situation was too bizarre and I was reasonably certain he would not approve of the whole thing anyway.

“We definitely will… I’ll talk to Michael about it.”