“That’s not the point! How can you not know how old I am?”

“Well how come you’re telling Nigel you feel like you’re my mother? And could you pass me the bacon please?”

“Look Edward if I’m going to marry you, things need to look legitimate. It’s important that people think we’re a real couple.”

“Well we sure as hell fight like a real fuckin’ couple!”

“You’ve got a point there actually……….but that’s not what I mean! People should believe we are really in love and that we are getting married because we adore each other. It can’t look like this is just all about your inheritance money. Company stock is already down after news of your grandfather’s passing got out. You need to present a stable image… You need to show the stock holders that you’re going to do right by this company, and I’m going to help you do that! And by the way, I hope you have already had everyone at the law office sign confidentiality agreements.”

“Of course. All Armani legal personnel are sworn and signed to secrecy.”

“And more importantly for me Edward is that it cannot look like I’m just after your money. I do not ever want to be known as “Julia Jones, gold-digger to the Armani fortune.”

Our serious conversation was suddenly interrupted by Nigel’s loud applause coming from the kitchen.

“Very well put Julia. Nigel obviously agrees with you and so do I. You’ve given this a lot of thought already and that’s exactly why I picked you. You’re smart. Very smart. And I know you will have my best interest at heart. You’re loyal through and through.”

I couldn’t help but wonder if I could say the same about Edward, and with the same amount of conviction. Would he be equally loyal to me? Would he have my best interest at heart?

“Edward I sure hope I can count on you to do the same by me. Can I? Once we make our commitment public I will not tolerate any misbehavior on your part that will make me look foolish or have people pitying me! You got me?”

More applause from the kitchen. That Nigel! It was nice to know I had his support.

Edward put down his fork and stopped eating, apparently in a show of sincerity. He reached out and took my hand in his while he looked deeply into my eyes. For a change, he spoke slowly and thoughtfully:

“Julia you have nothing to worry about. I will not disrespect you or disappoint you. You can totally count on me. We will be the most adoring couple the public has ever seen. I promise you. Nobody will ever be able to guess that our relationship is just for show. And I’ll make sure not a soul suspects that the driving force behind our commitment and marital bond is actually….. only money.”

Edward brought my fingers up to his lips and kissed my hand gallantly. His demeanor was so uncharacteristically pensive; so unusually deep and serious. Something about him even seemed a little sad as he excused himself from the table. But at the moment I didn’t feel like talking about it anymore. I just wanted to go home, shower and take a nap. I was exhausted. Just then my phone buzzed, signaling a text. It was Michael: Look outside the front window! Oh hell no! Don’t tell me he’s here! How was that possible?