“I most certainly do! Thank you so much for thinking of me!”

“If you don’t mind me asking Miss Julia, are you going to be………joining the family so to speak?”

“I don’t mind at all Nigel. And yes I am going to be joining the Armani family. I guess I hadn’t thought about it in quite those words exactly. Perhaps I’ll get to eat a lot more of your delicious breakfasts then?”

“Nothing would please me more. And if you need anything at all please don’t hesitate to ask me. I’m here for you Miss. If it’s one thing I know, it’s the Armani family.”

“Thank you Nigel. That’s very comforting and very reassuring. I really appreciate that.”

“Well I mean it. Don’t hesitate to ask me for anything. I’m sure you know the task you’re taking on will not be an easy one.”

“Yes I know that. And I’m still wondering if I’m cut out for such a challenge.”

“If it helps at all, I have complete faith in you. In fact nobody else would even remotely be able to handle such a duty. Edward is a very lucky man indeed.”

“Thank you for the kind words Nigel. That does help me a lot.”

I took a bite of my waffle and washed it down with Nigel’s scrumptious hazelnut coffee.

“I am concerned about dealing with two kids though…..”

“Two kids Miss?”

“Yes. The baby AND Edward!”

Nigel and I both burst out laughing as Edward entered the dining room.

“What’s so funny you two?”

Nigel looked slyly over at me and grinned.

“Miss Julia was just talking about unruly children. I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone now. I have a kitchen to clean.”

“You don’t have to go Nigel!”

“Yes he does Julia. I plan on doing unspeakable things to you underneath the table.”

“Sorry Miss. Little Eddie is ALL yours!”

Nigel poked me in the shoulder and scurried out of the room.

“You know… I absolutely love Nigel!” I said, laughing as I looked back at Edward.

“What was that all about anyway? What was with that ‘Little Eddie’ remark?”

“Oh nothing. I had just mentioned something earlier about sometimes feeling like I’m your mother.”

Edward looked quizzical.

“Sometimes you feel like my mother? Really? Even though you’re only like….. what?........five years older than I am?”

“Excuse me? Five years OLDER? You think I’m five years older than you? Are you kidding me?”

“Well aren’t you?”

“Edward I’m two years YOUNGER than you! You idiotic moron! Jesus Christ Edward you don’t even know how old I am?”

“I’m sorry Julia. Does it really matter? Five years? Two years? Who cares? You look very youthful!”