
While Edward showeredand Nigel prepared breakfast, I checked my phone messages and emails. In my rush to run over and share my decision with Mr. Clueless, I had forgotten to leave a note for Michael as to my whereabouts. There were no messages from him, which meant he was still sleeping. I shot him a quick text: Went n2 work early. I reasoned that electronic lying was somehow not as wrong as face-to-face dishonesty. Maybe Edward’s shameless attitude was rubbing off on me…

Edward had naturally invited me to shower with him but I declined the offer. I was still disgusted with his utter rudeness. Especially after we just had sex! How do you totally disregard a person you were just intimate with ten minutes ago? Anyway, I didn’t feel like being all cozy with him in the shower and believe me that was HIS loss. I decided I’d just shower later when I got home.

The intercom buzzed in the bedroom. It was Nigel informing us that breakfast was ready in the dining room. “Thanks Nigel. We’ll be right out.”

Right on cue Edward came out of the bathroom wearing only a towel and whistling a cheery little tune. It was quite a bit off-key but it sounded like “Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah”.

“Nigel said breakfast is ready. Hurry up and get dressed so we can eat it before it gets cold.”

Edward smirked and unfastened his towel letting it drop to the floor.

“Trust me. He will keep it warm for us.”

He strutted over to me in all his supreme nakedness and pulled me to him. Then he started grinding his bare cock into my hips. I immediately went wet between my thighs but I was able to summon up all my will power and push him away.

“No Edward! Where are your manners? Nigel went through the trouble of making breakfast for us.”

“That’s what I pay him for Julia. And since when do you ask for manners in the bedroom? Usually it’s quite the opposite…..”

Edward brought his massive dick back over to me for my reconsideration. He truly had no idea how hard it was for me to resist him, but I strengthened my resolve.

“You know what? I’m going out to the dining room without you. I have too much respect for Nigel’s hard work.”

“Suit yourself. No doubt you’ll be regretting your decision later on in the day.”

I headed out of the bedroom toward the wonderful aroma of Nigel’s breakfast. Edward was right about one thing: I was regretting my decision. Except not the sexual one he was thinking of. I couldn’t help but have serious reservations about being tied to such an enormous jackass for the rest of my life; even if it was only through our shared child custody agreement.

Thankfully, Nigel’s cheerful greeting made me forget about all the things that were gnawing at me.

“Good-morning Miss Jones! You certainly do light up a room!”

“Well thank you Nigel. Good-morning and how sweet of you to say that!”

I kissed Nigel on the cheek as he pulled out my chair for me.

“Thank you for making such a lovely breakfast for us. Edward is still dressing so he’ll be a little late. He sends his apologies.”

Nigel couldn’t help but laugh at my lame attempt to cover up Edward’s rudeness.

“That’s a good one Miss Jones! What a superb sense of humor you have my dear!”

I had to giggle myself. There was no way to fool him; he knew Edward way too well.

“Nigel you’re such a treasure. But will you please stop calling me Miss Jones and just call me Julia?”

“How about a compromise……Miss Julia?”

“Alright I guess I can accept that. Will you sit down and join me for breakfast Nigel?”

“I already ate Miss Julia but I suppose I could sit down for a bit until your tardy breakfast date arrives. Coffee?”

“Yes please. Wow! Do you cook breakfast like this every morning? It’s like a complete breakfast buffet – eggs, sausage, bacon, waffles, juice……..it’s fantastic!”

I placed my napkin on my lap and surveyed the table some more. I hardly knew where to start.

“No. As a matter of fact I don’t. Most of the time Edward eats a very light breakfast before work. But I had a feeling you would probably appreciate it today.”