Page 54 of The Gamble

“Bailey makes it work.”

“Tell Wendy about the ice-cream,” Piper cuts in.

Gah. My friend is an incurable romantic. I should have never told her that story. “I ate lunch with them, and got a slice of apple pie to go,” I say reluctantly. “Carter sent up ice-cream to my hotel room.”

“Aww, that’s adorable.” She leans forward. “Are they good people? Or just hot?”

“They both seem pretty great.”

“In that case, what’s stopping you from starting a relationship with them?” She doesn’t wait for me to reply. “I mean, you do you. I’m not going to tell you how to live your life. I’m just saying, the last time I had a booty call type thing, he definitely didn’t bring me ice-cream. Instead, he would text me in the middle of the night with a question mark. That’s it. He couldn’t even summon up the energy to type in a sentence.” She counts on her fingers. “W-A-N-N-A B-A-N-G-? Two words. Nine letters. That was too much effort.”

I shouldn’t laugh; I really shouldn’t. “Tell me it didn’t last.”

“It lasted longer than it should have.” She grins unrepentantly. “I was in law school. It’s not like I had time for anything else. And let’s be honest, I wasn’t much better. He’d text me with a question mark and I’d respond with a thumbs-up emoji. That was the extent of our communication outside of sex.”

“We eat dinner together,” I confess.

“That sounds like dating to me,” Piper says. “Are you sure they want no-strings-attached sex? Or is it possible they want more?”

I open my mouth to reply, and then shut it. Dominic had looked hurt when I declined his offer of breakfast and ran away. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t imagining that.

“I’m ninety-percent sure.” Unless I’m misreading the situation?

“Why don’t you ask them what they want?” Wendy suggests. “Ask them to define it.”

“You want me to ask them?” That sounds like a recipe for heartbreak.

“Yes, Gabby, I do. We’re in the twenty-first century, you know. It is acceptable for a young lady to ask the two men she’s banging what they’re intentions are.”

I giggle through my nerves. My stomach churns at the prospect of broaching this topic with Carter and Dominic, but Wendy’s right. “Okay,” I murmur, gulping down the rest of my glass of wine for extra courage. “I’ll ask them tomorrow.”