Page 34 of The Gamble

“I didn’t say anything about dating,” I protest immediately. It’s a reflexive response. If I’m being perfectly honest with myself, the thought of dating Dominic and Carter is not horrible. “And no, they’re not jerks.” At all.

I tell Piper about the flowers, the upgraded room, and the ice cream that Carter had sent up yesterday, and she sighs again. “That’s so romantic,” she says. “I love it. That settles it, Gabby. You have to date them. Guys that pay attention to the details don’t come along every day.”

“I can’t date them. My life is in the city.”

“If you say so,” she says, sounding skeptical. “I mean, you hate your job and your apartment flooded three months ago when the tenant upstairs left their water running, and your landlord took forever to fix the damage, but yeah, the city is amazing.”

I laugh. “So much sarcasm.” I open my mouth to make a comment about how her parents would be horrified, but my phone beeps before I can talk. I glance at my screen and see a text from Sammy. ‘Your name is on a list. Tonight.’ He follows it with an address, presumably of the underground poker venue. ‘Be careful, Gabriella.’

Looks like I’m in.

Time to spy on Carter’s brother-in-law, while playing another evening of high-stakes poker. This time, without going a hundred grand into debt.