Page 9 of Entwined

“I highly doubt that, Reginetta. But I had other ideas.” He nips at her lip, then puts some space between them, making her chase after him for another kiss.

“What ideas are those?” she asks breathlessly.

Our girl’s libido never wanes. Even if she claims to be tapped out.

“I think your lips need to be stretched around my cock. It’s been far too long since my little slut has serviced me,” Vander rumbles in her ear.

Her legs squeeze together, and she’s so lost to the thought, she doesn’t even attempt to quiet the moan, giving away how much she loves his derogatory name. “Vanner,” she whimpers.

Vander doesn’t wait. He rips her from the side of the car with a growl and marches to the other side to climb in. With a sigh, I follow them. I have a feeling Vander’s about to get his revenge for when I forced him to watch us at the gun range.

My suspicions become more cemented when Vander gives her his command. “Unzip my pants and take my cock out, Reginetta.”

Chapter 6


No matter how much I enjoy sex, there’s only so much of it you can have in the car before it gets old. Even if Vander’s command to spit on his cock keeps running through my mind. And seeing as we weren’t planning on taking a road trip, entertainment options are slim. Especially when Cole took our phones.

The bastard is being stingy on sharing his laptop, too. Not letting any of us touch it, not even me… even after promising him every sexual favor I could think of.

With a huff, I slump against my seat. This time I’m scrunched in the back with Vander on one side and Grayson on the other. My innocent lover holds me against him, brushing his lips against the side of my head every so often and trailing his fingertips along my shoulder. Out of all of us, I think he’s most content with our circumstances. It’s not hard to believe that he’d be happy sitting like this all day if given the chance.

Vander, on the other hand, seems to be anxious. His finger taps against the armrest on the door, and his leg bounces up and down. The man really does prefer to be driving, but Jasper refuses to give up the task. It’s like he’s trying to ensure he’s doing everything he can to redeem himself for not telling us sooner.

“Jasper,” I call over the music pumping through the speakers. It’s a wonder really that Cole let us play it so loud. But with nothing else to do, we might have murdered him if he said anything.

My weapons expert turns the knob on the stereo system, and the sound lowers until you can barely hear it. His gaze meets mine in the rearview mirror. There’s a foreign expression there, like he’s still worried about the backlash of his revelation.

“Yes, Little Bird?”

“How did the Tulip Broker end up becoming your brother?” He dropped the bomb of information, wanting to get to the point as quickly as possible, which means we missed out on getting the entire story. And I’m bored enough to want to hear it. It doesn’t hurt to learn more about my man either.

Jasper releases a sigh, like he’s been waiting for one of us to ask. The steering wheel squeaks as he grips it tighter, and his other hand runs through his hair. It’s such a strong show of emotions for him, making me wonder even more what he’s about to tell us.

“My mother was a con artist,” he starts. It seems like the tension in his body leaves with the simple act of purging his past. “She moved from mark to mark, taking as much as she could from them before moving on.”

He switches lanes to pass someone, going as fast as he can without the threat of being pulled over. We don't need to draw any attention to ourselves right now. Especially not when Jasper is the one driving. I’m sure his brother probably tracks his location at all times.


“Is Jasper really your name, or is it an alias?” I ask while he pauses to pay attention to traffic.

He quickly glances over his shoulder at me before facing forward. “Jasper is the earliest name I can remember going by. I hadn’t used it since I was six, but when I met you, I wanted to give you a version of myself that felt the most genuine.”

“The earliest you could remember?”

“Let me tell the story, Little Bird,” he admonishes.

Grayson tugs me closer to him, grabbing my hand to draw distracting circles on my palm.

“She ran smaller cons until she got pregnant with me. It was then she hit her biggest payday yet. My father paid for everything she wanted or needed. Moved her into his mansion. Showered her with gifts and eventually married her. She pushed him into a quick wedding, saying she didn’t want her child to be born a bastard.

“The witch packed us up and drained his bank account within days of him adding her name to it. She found a resort with child care and blew everything within three months. It was even easier to find a new mark claiming her ex abandoned her when she became pregnant. She leaned on the man’s hero complex.

“One mark led to another. The older I got, the more she incorporated me into her cons, making me participate. Before I knew it, nothing felt real. I was in a cloud, moving from one lie to the next. I never knew who I was when I woke up in the mornings. I’d have to read a sticky note I kept hidden with all the details I had to remember for my current identity.”

His voice holds raw emotion. He sounds vulnerable recounting his childhood. It makes me lean between the seats, wanting to be closer to him as he continues, making Grayson’s hand drop to my back, where he moves into rubbing circles.